The application research of neural network and BP algorithm in stock price pattern classification and prediction

D Zhang, S Lou - Future Generation Computer Systems, 2021 - Elsevier
Under the background of big data and Internet finance, quantitative investment is becoming
more and more critical, and the prediction of the stock price has become the focus of …

A new intelligent and data-driven product quality control system of industrial valve manufacturing process in CPS

J Pang, N Zhang, Q **ing the superhydrophobic surface: An experimental and predictive study
X Wang, Z Tang, B Xu, Z Chen - Applied Surface Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Water freezing has a significant and non-negligible influence on the aircraft, power
transmission lines and operational efficiency of industrial facilities. Therefore, it is of great …

GA-BP neural network-based strain prediction in full-scale static testing of wind turbine blades

Z Liu, X Liu, K Wang, Z Liang, JAFO Correia… - Energies, 2019 -
This paper proposes a strain prediction method for wind turbine blades using genetic
algorithm back propagation neural networks (GA-BPNNs) with applied loads, loading …

Design of building construction safety prediction model based on optimized BP neural network algorithm

T Shen, Y Nagai, C Gao - Soft Computing, 2020 - Springer
In order to solve the safety problem of the construction industry, the construction safety
prediction model based on the optimized BP neural network algorithm is designed in this …

Transformer fault diagnosis based on BP‐Adaboost and PNN series connection

C Yan, M Li, W Liu - Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Dissolved gas‐in‐oil analysis (DGA) is a powerful method to diagnose and detect
transformer faults. It is of profound significance for the accurate and rapid determination of …

[Retracted] Sales Forecast of Marketing Brand Based on BP Neural Network Model

W Feng - Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
With the advancement of globalization, the market competition among enterprises has
become increasingly intense. To win a good market, an enterprise must understand and …

Fault detection method for ship equipment based on BP neural network

G Wu - 2018 International Conference on Robots & Intelligent …, 2018 -
Fault detection is of great importance for ship equipment's maintenance and repair,
therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel fault detection method for ship equipment based …

Energy efficient resource selection and allocation strategy for virtual machine consolidation in cloud datacenters

Y Chang, C Gu, F Luo, G Fan, W Fu - IEICE TRANSACTIONS on …, 2018 -
Virtual Machine Placement (VMP) plays an important role in ensuring efficient resource
provisioning of physical machines (PMs) and energy efficiency in Infrastructure as a Service …

Forecasting construction project cost based on BP neural network

X Wang - 2018 10th International Conference on Measuring …, 2018 -
Cost prediction for the construct project relies on the overall development policy of the
project and the development of the related management system based on all related …