Fruit set is moderately dependent on insect pollinators in strawberry and is limited by the availability of pollen under natural open conditions

CM Menzel - The Journal of Horticultural Science and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Modern strawberry (Fragaria× ananass a Duch.) cultivars are hermaphrodite and have fertile
flowers, with the anthers releasing viable pollen. Cultivars are self-compatible and do not …

Discussion: Harnessing microbiome-mediated adaptations in insect pollinators to mitigate climate change impact on crop pollination

S Shah, M Ilyas, S Bian, FL Yang - Science of the Total Environment, 2024 - Elsevier
Insect pollinators, vital for agriculture and biodiversity, face escalating threats from climate
change. We argue and explore the pivotal role of the microbiomes in sha** adaptations of …