Hydrogen and syngas production by hybrid filtration combustion: Progress and challenges
Abstract Hydrogen (H 2) and syngas (a mixture of H 2 and carbon monoxide) can be
thermochemically produced from various sources, such as fossil fuels, biomass, water, and …
thermochemically produced from various sources, such as fossil fuels, biomass, water, and …
Processes defining smouldering combustion: Integrated review and synthesis
Smouldering combustion is an important and complex phenomenon that is central to a wide
range of problems (hazards) and solutions (applications). A rich history of research in the …
range of problems (hazards) and solutions (applications). A rich history of research in the …
Smouldering combustion phenomena in science and technology
G Rein - 2009 - era.ed.ac.uk
Smouldering is the slow, low-temperature, flameless form of combustion of a condensed
fuel. It poses safety and environmental hazards and allows novel technological application …
fuel. It poses safety and environmental hazards and allows novel technological application …
[LIBRO][B] Elliptic partial differential equations
V Volpert - 2014 - Springer
If we had to formulate in one sentence what this book is about, it might be “How partial
differential equations can help to understand heat explosion, tumor growth or evolution of …
differential equations can help to understand heat explosion, tumor growth or evolution of …
Application of genetic algorithms and thermogravimetry to determine the kinetics of polyurethane foam in smoldering combustion
In this work, the kinetic parameters governing the thermal and oxidative degradation of
flexible polyurethane foam are determined using thermogravimetric data and a genetic …
flexible polyurethane foam are determined using thermogravimetric data and a genetic …
[LIBRO][B] Smoldering combustion
TJ Ohlemiller - 1986 - firedoc.nist.gov
Smoldering is a slow, low-temperature, flameless form of combustion, sustained by the heat
evolved when oxygen directly attacks the surface of a condensed-phase fuel. Smoldering …
evolved when oxygen directly attacks the surface of a condensed-phase fuel. Smoldering …
Nonequilibrium in the transport of heat and reactants in combustion in porous media
Combustion in inert, catalytic and combustible porous media occurs under the influence of a
large range of geometric length scales, thermophysical and thermochemical properties, and …
large range of geometric length scales, thermophysical and thermochemical properties, and …
Modelling oxygen-limited and self-sustained smoldering propagation: Underground coal fires driven by thermal buoyancy
Z Song - Combustion and Flame, 2022 - Elsevier
Modelling oxygen-limited and self-sustained smoldering propagation is of significance for
prevention of fire hazards and optimization of applied systems. However, two issues remain …
prevention of fire hazards and optimization of applied systems. However, two issues remain …
The dynamics of in-situ combustion fronts in porous media
The sustained propagation of combustion fronts in porous media is a necessary condition for
the success of in situ combustion for oil recovery. Compared to other recovery methods, in …
the success of in situ combustion for oil recovery. Compared to other recovery methods, in …
Experimental study and modeling analysis of sewage sludge smoldering combustion at different airflow rates
W Zhang, Q Song, X Wang, X Wang, H Li, Z Yang - Waste Management, 2023 - Elsevier
Sewage sludge is a major by-product of wastewater treatment, and its unfavorable
properties are frequently a key restriction of disposal technologies, resulting in high costs …
properties are frequently a key restriction of disposal technologies, resulting in high costs …