The Holocene of Sweden–a review
S Wastegård - GFF, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents a review on more than hundred years of palaeoenvironmental research
in Sweden; from early descriptions of peat and tufa deposits in the late nineteenth and early …
in Sweden; from early descriptions of peat and tufa deposits in the late nineteenth and early …
Subfossil peatland trees as proxies for Holocene palaeohydrology and palaeoclimate
Due to the scarcity of reliable and highly resolved moisture proxies covering much of the
Holocene, there has been increased interest in the study of living and subfossil peatland …
Holocene, there has been increased interest in the study of living and subfossil peatland …
Influence of solar activity changes on European rainfall
L Laurenz, HJ Lüdecke, S Lüning - Journal of Atmospheric and Solar …, 2019 - Elsevier
European hydroclimate shows a high degree of variability on every time scale. The
variability is controlled by natural processes such as Atlantic ocean cycles, changes in solar …
variability is controlled by natural processes such as Atlantic ocean cycles, changes in solar …
[HTML][HTML] Three millennia of vegetation, land-use, and climate change in SE Sicily
F Michelangeli, F Di Rita, A Celant, N Tisnérat-Laborde… - Forests, 2022 - mdpi.com
This study presents the first Late Holocene marine pollen record (core ND2) from SE Sicily. It
encompasses the last 3000 years and is one of the most detailed records of the south …
encompasses the last 3000 years and is one of the most detailed records of the south …
Wildfire size alters long‐term vegetation trajectories in boreal forests of eastern North America
Aim Wildfire activity is projected to increase under global warming in many parts of the
world. Knowledge of the role of these disturbances in sha** the composition of boreal …
world. Knowledge of the role of these disturbances in sha** the composition of boreal …
[HTML][HTML] North Atlantic Oscillation polarity during the past 3000 years derived from sediments of a large lowland lake, Schweriner See, in NE Germany
Based on a multi-dating and multi-proxy approach, we reconstruct Late Holocene
environmental changes derived from sediments of Schweriner See, a large lowland lake in …
environmental changes derived from sediments of Schweriner See, a large lowland lake in …
It's in your glass: a history of sea level and storminess from the Laphroaig bog, Islay (southwestern Scotland)
Severe winter windstorms have become an increasingly common occurrence over recent
decades in northwestern Europe. Although there exists considerable uncertainty, storminess …
decades in northwestern Europe. Although there exists considerable uncertainty, storminess …
Mid-to late Holocene aeolian activity recorded in a coastal dunefield and lacustrine sediments on Andøya, northern Norway
In an effort to reconstruct past aeolian activity, a foredune stratigraphy and a continuous lake
sediment record from the largest dunefield on Andøya, northern Norway, have been …
sediment record from the largest dunefield on Andøya, northern Norway, have been …
An improved method for paleoflood reconstruction and flooding phase identification, applied to the Meuse River in the Netherlands
This study investigates Holocene floodplain evolution and flooding phases as experienced
in the Lower Meuse catchment, primarily based on grain-size distributions of channel-fill and …
in the Lower Meuse catchment, primarily based on grain-size distributions of channel-fill and …
Reconstructed centennial variability of late Holocene storminess from Cors Fochno, Wales, UK
Future anthropogenic climate forcing is forecast to increase storm intensity and frequency
over Northern Europe, due to a northward shift of the storm tracks, and a positive North …
over Northern Europe, due to a northward shift of the storm tracks, and a positive North …