[Књига][B] Alfalfa and relatives: evolution and classification of Medicago
E Small - 2011 - books.google.com
Best known as an animal feed, Alfalfa Medicago sativa is one of the most important and
widely produced livestock crops grown throughout the temperate world." Alfalfa and …
widely produced livestock crops grown throughout the temperate world." Alfalfa and …
Genetics, evolution, and conservation of island plants
SJ Franks - Journal of Plant Biology, 2010 - Springer
Islands are ideal model systems for testing ecological and evolutionary theory. This article
reviews and synthesizes the findings of 24 studies of population genetics of island plants to …
reviews and synthesizes the findings of 24 studies of population genetics of island plants to …
Genetic diversity analysis and conservation of the endangered Chinese endemic herb Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo (Orchidaceae) based on AFLP
X Li, X Ding, B Chu, Q Zhou, G Ding, S Gu - Genetica, 2008 - Springer
Dendrobium officinale is a critically endangered perennial herb endemic to China.
Determining the levels of genetic diversity and patterns of population genetic structure of this …
Determining the levels of genetic diversity and patterns of population genetic structure of this …
Narrow endemics to Mediterranean islands: moderate genetic diversity but narrow climatic niche of the ancient, critically endangered Naufraga (Apiaceae)
Narrow endemics constitute the cornerstone of Mediterranean plant diversity. Naufraga
balearica (Apiaceae) is a critically endangered, extremely narrow endemic plant from the …
balearica (Apiaceae) is a critically endangered, extremely narrow endemic plant from the …
Gene‐flow patterns in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of the Lusitanian sea star Asterina gibbosa
E Baus, DJ Darrock, MW Bruford - Molecular Ecology, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
In this study, the population structure of the Lusitanian sea star Asterina gibbosa was
assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). One hundred and twenty …
assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). One hundred and twenty …
Population‐genomic approach reveals adaptive floral divergence in discrete populations of a hawk moth‐pollinated violet
Local adaptation to contrasting biotic or abiotic environments is an important evolutionary
step that presumably precedes floral diversification at the species level, yet few studies have …
step that presumably precedes floral diversification at the species level, yet few studies have …
Genetic diversity and ecological differentiation in the endangered fen orchid (Liparis loeselii)
Liparis loeselii is a rare and endangered orchid occurring in Europe and north-east America.
Genetic diversity and structure of this species in north-west France and the United Kingdom …
Genetic diversity and structure of this species in north-west France and the United Kingdom …
[Књига][B] Llibre vermell de la flora vascular de les Illes Balears
L Sáez, J Rosselló, P Fraga - 2001 - researchgate.net
Han passat poc més de quinze anys des de la publicació del primer Llibre vermell de la
flora vascular de les Illes Balears (Sáez & Rosselló, 2001), i en aquest relativament curt …
flora vascular de les Illes Balears (Sáez & Rosselló, 2001), i en aquest relativament curt …
Testing the hypothesis of low genetic diversity and population structure in narrow endemic species: the endangered Antirrhinum charidemi (Plantaginaceae)
Narrow endemics have historically been hypothesized to have low levels of genetic
diversity. However, recent research has shown an opposite pattern in numerous plants …
diversity. However, recent research has shown an opposite pattern in numerous plants …
Morphological, chemical, and genetic diversity of wild myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) populations in Sicily
Myrtus communis L. İs a shrub widespread in the Mediterranean area. The interest in this
species is growing, mainly due to its pharmacological and aromatic properties. The …
species is growing, mainly due to its pharmacological and aromatic properties. The …