Socio-economic sustainability with circular economy—an alternative approach
PK Mukherjee, B Das, PK Bhardwaj, S Tampha… - Science of the Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
As the global population and living standards rise, it pushes the demand for basic amenities
like food, health, and energy resources. Additionally, manufacturing automation has led to …
like food, health, and energy resources. Additionally, manufacturing automation has led to …
Is net-zero feasible: Systematic review of cement and concrete decarbonization technologies
Cement and concrete are hard-to-abate industrial sectors for decarbonization due to
growing demand driven by rapid urbanization, population growth, and the considerable …
growing demand driven by rapid urbanization, population growth, and the considerable …
Review on Indian Municipal Solid Waste Management practices for reduction of environmental impacts to achieve sustainable development goals
Open dum** is a common practice for MSW disposal in most of the Indian cities, apart
from the metro-cities. This practice poses significant environmental and health risks due to …
from the metro-cities. This practice poses significant environmental and health risks due to …
Reducing greenhouse gasses emissions by fostering the deployment of alternative raw materials and energy sources in the cleaner cement manufacturing process
The cement production industry worldwide is one of the largest CO 2 emitting industrial
sectors. It accounts for a considerable amount of total global greenhouse gas (GHG) …
sectors. It accounts for a considerable amount of total global greenhouse gas (GHG) …
Multiple stakeholders in multi-criteria decision-making in the context of municipal solid waste management: a review
Abstract Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) is a complicated process that
involves multiple environmental and socio-economic criteria. Decision-makers look for …
involves multiple environmental and socio-economic criteria. Decision-makers look for …
Residual municipal solid waste to energy under carbon neutrality: Challenges and perspectives for China
Y Song, X ** and undergoing technological
transformation in China. However, Waste Classification (WC) methods and the …
transformation in China. However, Waste Classification (WC) methods and the …
Renewable energy selection for net-zero energy communities: Life cycle based decision making under uncertainty
Develo** net-zero energy communities powered by renewable energy (RE) resources
has become a popular concept. To make the best choices for community-level net-zero …
has become a popular concept. To make the best choices for community-level net-zero …
A Review: Construction and Demolition Waste as a Novel Source for CO2 Reduction in Portland Cement Production for Concrete
There is an increasing global recognition of the need for environmental sustainability in
mitigating the adverse impacts of cement production. Despite the implementation of various …
mitigating the adverse impacts of cement production. Despite the implementation of various …
Comparative LCA on using waste materials in the cement industry: A Hong Kong case study
Cement is traditionally regarded as an energy and emission intensive construction material.
The reduction of environmental impacts in the cement industry has gained increasing …
The reduction of environmental impacts in the cement industry has gained increasing …
Evolutionary game analysis of stakeholders' decision-making behaviours in construction and demolition waste management
L Du, Y Feng, W Lu, L Kong, Z Yang - Environmental Impact Assessment …, 2020 - Elsevier
Continuing industrial development has created large quantities of construction and
demolition (C&D) waste, which has led to severe environmental and social problems. The …
demolition (C&D) waste, which has led to severe environmental and social problems. The …