Periodic motion around libration points in the elliptic restricted three-body problem
F Ferrari, M Lavagna - Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018 - Springer
Periodicity of motion around the collinear libration point associated with the Elliptic
Restricted Three-Body Problem is studied. A survey of periodic solutions in the Circular …
Restricted Three-Body Problem is studied. A survey of periodic solutions in the Circular …
Rapid trajectory design in the Earth–Moon ephemeris system via an interactive catalog of periodic and quasi-periodic orbits
Upcoming missions and prospective design concepts in the Earth–Moon system extensively
leverage multi-body dynamics that may facilitate access to strategic locations or reduce …
leverage multi-body dynamics that may facilitate access to strategic locations or reduce …
Incorporating the evolution of multi-body orbits into the trajectory trade space and design process
AF Haapala, KC Howell, DC Folta - Acta Astronautica, 2015 - Elsevier
Libration point orbits have been incorporated in many missions, with the capability of
orbiting near L 1 and L 2 in the Earth–Moon system recently demonstrated during the …
orbiting near L 1 and L 2 in the Earth–Moon system recently demonstrated during the …
Natural periodic orbit-attitude behaviors for rigid bodies in three-body periodic orbits
D Guzzetti, KC Howell - Acta Astronautica, 2017 - Elsevier
Trajectory design increasingly leverages multi-body dynamical structures that are based on
an understanding of various types of orbits in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem …
an understanding of various types of orbits in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem …
There and back again: Generating repeating transfers using resonant structures
NI Sadaka - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Many future satellite applications in cislunar space require repeating, periodic transfers that
shift away from some operational orbit and eventually return. Resonant orbits are …
shift away from some operational orbit and eventually return. Resonant orbits are …
Coupled orbit-attitude mission design in the circular restricted three-body problem
D Guzzetti - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Trajectory design increasingly leverages multi-body dynamical structures that are based on
an understanding of various types of orbits in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem …
an understanding of various types of orbits in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem …
Calculation and Study of Limited Orbits around the L2 Libration Point of the Sun–Earth System
A procedure has been proposed for calculating limited orbits around the L 2 libration points
of the Sun–Earth system. The motion of a spacecraft in the vicinity of the libration point has …
of the Sun–Earth system. The motion of a spacecraft in the vicinity of the libration point has …
Direct two-impulse transfers from a low-earth orbit to high circular polar orbits around the moon
The research considers direct two-impulse transfers from a low-Earth orbit to circular polar
lunar orbits with an altitude of 10-15 thousand km. Such orbits are candidates for placing a …
lunar orbits with an altitude of 10-15 thousand km. Such orbits are candidates for placing a …
[PDF][PDF] An interactive trajectory design environment leveraging dynamical structures in multi-body regimes
Trajectories that exist within a multi-body dynamical environment offer low-cost options to
develop a long-term human presence within the solar system. Representing the dynamical …
develop a long-term human presence within the solar system. Representing the dynamical …
Расчет и исследование ограниченных орбит вокруг точки либрации L2 системы Солнце-Земля
СА Аксенов, СА Бобер - Космические исследования, 2018 - elibrary.ru
В работе предлагается методика расчета ограниченных орбит вокруг точки либрации
L2 системы Солнце-Земля. Движение космического аппарата в окрестности точки …
L2 системы Солнце-Земля. Движение космического аппарата в окрестности точки …