Design prototy** methods: state of the art in strategies, techniques, and guidelines
Prototy** is interwoven with nearly all product, service, and systems development efforts.
A prototype is a pre-production representation of some aspect of a concept or final design …
A prototype is a pre-production representation of some aspect of a concept or final design …
Mixed reality in design prototy**: A systematic review
Highlights•A systematic literature review leading to 108 papers where MR has been used to
support prototy**.•Contrast 'tech push'& 'design pull'views to distil dimensions of value …
support prototy**.•Contrast 'tech push'& 'design pull'views to distil dimensions of value …
What is a Prototype? What are the Roles of Prototypes in Companies?
Prototy** is an essential part of product development in companies, and yet it is one of the
least explored areas of design practice. There are limited ethnographic studies conducted …
least explored areas of design practice. There are limited ethnographic studies conducted …
[HTML][HTML] Novice designers' use of prototypes in engineering design
Highlights•Novice designers' prototy** conceptions were less sophisticated than their
reported use.•Many prototy** behaviors reflected literature-based best practices.•Several …
reported use.•Many prototy** behaviors reflected literature-based best practices.•Several …
Prototype for X (PFX): A holistic framework for structuring prototy** methods to support engineering design
Highlights•Seven specifications of a prototy** framework are identified from the
literature.•A benchmark study of novice designers' understanding of prototy** is …
literature.•A benchmark study of novice designers' understanding of prototy** is …
A systematic method for design prototy**
B Camburn, B Dunlap, T Gurjar… - Journal of …, 2015 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Scientific evaluation of prototy** practices is an emerging field in design research.
Prototy** is critical to the success of product development efforts, and yet its …
Prototy** is critical to the success of product development efforts, and yet its …
From idea to production: A retrospective and longitudinal case study of prototypes and prototy** strategies
CA Hansen, AG Özkil - Journal of Mechanical …, 2020 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
This study explores the value of visualizing the prototy** activities in a new product
development process from idea to production. Through a case study of a hardware startup …
development process from idea to production. Through a case study of a hardware startup …
Perceptions of prototypes: pilot study comparing students and professionals
Just as design is a fundamental part of engineering work, prototy** is an essential part of
the design process. For many engineering design courses, students must develop a final …
the design process. For many engineering design courses, students must develop a final …
The Prototype for X (PFX) framework: assessing the impact of PFX on desirability, feasibility, and viability of end Designs
Each year, companies spend billions of dollars on product research and design. Studies
indicate that anywhere from 40–50% of those resources are wasted on cancelled products …
indicate that anywhere from 40–50% of those resources are wasted on cancelled products …
Physical prototy** rationale in design student projects: an analysis based on the concept of purposeful prototy**
Prototy** constitutes a major theme of design education and an integral part of
engineering design academic courses. Physical prototypes and the model building process …
engineering design academic courses. Physical prototypes and the model building process …