Dependability modeling and analysis of software systems specified with UML
The goal is to survey dependability modeling and analysis of software and systems specified
with UML, with focus on reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS). From the …
with UML, with focus on reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS). From the …
Genres of inquiry in design-science research
Recognizing that design is at the core of information systems development has led to a
design-science research paradigm where differing kinds of knowledge goals give form to …
design-science research paradigm where differing kinds of knowledge goals give form to …
[หนังสือ][B] Secure systems development with UML
J Jürjens - 2005 - books.google.com
Attacks against computer systems can cause considerable economic or physical damage.
High-quality development of security-critical systems is difficult, mainly because of the …
High-quality development of security-critical systems is difficult, mainly because of the …
Road to a reactive and incremental model transformation platform: three generations of the VIATRA framework
The current release of VIATRA provides open-source tool support for an event-driven,
reactive model transformation engine built on top of highly scalable incremental graph …
reactive model transformation engine built on top of highly scalable incremental graph …
The model transformation language of the VIATRA2 framework
We present the model transformation language of the VIATRA2 framework, which provides a
rule-and pattern-based transformation language for manipulating graph models by …
rule-and pattern-based transformation language for manipulating graph models by …
VIATRA-visual automated transformations for formal verification and validation of UML models
The VIATRA (visual automated model transformations) framework is the core of a
transformation-based verification and validation environment for improving the quality of …
transformation-based verification and validation environment for improving the quality of …
A dependability profile within MARTE
The importance of assessing software non-functional properties (NFP) beside the functional
ones is well accepted in the software engineering community. In particular, dependability is …
ones is well accepted in the software engineering community. In particular, dependability is …
Reliability study of complex physical systems using SysML
The development of safety critical systems becomes even harder since the complexity of
these systems grows continuously. Moreover, this kind of process involves the use of …
these systems grows continuously. Moreover, this kind of process involves the use of …
VPM: A visual, precise and multilevel metamodeling framework for describing mathematical domains and UML (The Mathematics of Metamodeling is Metamodeling …
As UML 2.0 is evolving into a family of languages with individually specified semantics, there
is an increasing need for automated and provenly correct model transformations that (i) …
is an increasing need for automated and provenly correct model transformations that (i) …
Automatic synthesis of dynamic fault trees from UML system models
GJ Pai, JB Dugan - 13th International Symposium on Software …, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The reliability of a computer-based system may be as important as its performance and its
correctness of computation. It is worthwhile to estimate system reliability at the conceptual …
correctness of computation. It is worthwhile to estimate system reliability at the conceptual …