[KNYGA][B] Clitics: an introduction
In most languages we find'little words' which resemble a full word, but which cannot stand on
their own. Instead they have to'lean on'a neighbouring word, like the'd,'ve and …
their own. Instead they have to'lean on'a neighbouring word, like the'd,'ve and …
Subextraction in Japanese and subject-object symmetry
For a long time Japanese was taken to be a language lacking a subject-object asymmetry in
subextraction. Two recent experimental studies have challenged this conclusion suggesting …
subextraction. Two recent experimental studies have challenged this conclusion suggesting …
DP versus NP: A cross-linguistic typology?
J Kornfilt - Studies in Japanese and Korean historical and …, 2017 - brill.com
In a series of studies, Bošković (eg 2008, 2012, 2013) proposes a linguistic typology based
on a posited dichotomy between languages whose “traditional” nps are actually dps and …
on a posited dichotomy between languages whose “traditional” nps are actually dps and …
[PDF][PDF] On a Potential Counter-Example to Merchant´ s Sluicing-COMP Generalization
In Slovenian, certain discourse particles can survive sluicing. This suggests Merchant's
(2001)“Sluicing-COMP generalization” does not hold in Slovenian. These discourse …
(2001)“Sluicing-COMP generalization” does not hold in Slovenian. These discourse …
Double argument marking in Timok dialect texts (in Balkan Slavic context)
A Escher - Zeitschrift für Slawistik, 2021 - degruyter.com
Idioms of the Torlak dialect (spoken in southeast Serbia and western Bulgaria) are known for
their “double affiliation”. On the one hand, by virtue of their historical and phonetic features …
their “double affiliation”. On the one hand, by virtue of their historical and phonetic features …
[PDF][PDF] DP or NP? The case of Serbian southeastern dialects and Macedonian language
B Stanković - SinFonIJA 6 proceedings. Niš: Faculty of Philosophy …, 2019 - academia.edu
Applying Bošković's (2008) generalizations about the typological differences between
languages with and without articles (with conclusion that the latter do not project a DP) to the …
languages with and without articles (with conclusion that the latter do not project a DP) to the …
Cliticization phenomena in languages 'on the border'
J Runić - 2013 - repository.upenn.edu
The paper investigates clitic doubling in two non-standard Serbian and Slovenian dialects,
Prizren-Timok Serbian and Gorica Slovenian, respectively. These dialects have clitic …
Prizren-Timok Serbian and Gorica Slovenian, respectively. These dialects have clitic …
Klitički niz u jezicima balkanskog areala
Đ Božović - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Predmet ovog istraživanja predstavljaju morfosintaktičke i morfonološke specifičnosti nizane
kliticizacije u južnoslovenskim i balkanskim jezicima. Posmatrajući predikatskofrazne klitike …
kliticizacije u južnoslovenskim i balkanskim jezicima. Posmatrajući predikatskofrazne klitike …
On two sources of second position effects (Part 2)
K Migdalski - Studies in Polish Linguistics, 2018 - ceeol.com
This paper accounts for the distribution of two second position effects, the V2 (verb second)
order observed in continental Germanic languages and second position cliticization …
order observed in continental Germanic languages and second position cliticization …
Freezing and phi-feature agreement: On the role of [PERSON]
M Polinsky - Freezing: Theoretical approaches and empirical …, 2018 - degruyter.com
This paper investigates the empirical and theoretical relationship between two nominal
phenomena: phi-agreement and subextraction. Previous accounts have proposed that …
phenomena: phi-agreement and subextraction. Previous accounts have proposed that …