Sophistication in a seemingly simple creature: a review of wild holothurian nutrition in marine ecosystems
Holothurians are marine invertebrates that are among the most widespread benthic
megafauna communities by both biomass and abundance in shallow‐water and deep‐sea …
megafauna communities by both biomass and abundance in shallow‐water and deep‐sea …
Responses of Southern Ocean seafloor habitats and communities to global and local drivers of change
Knowledge of life on the Southern Ocean seafloor has substantially grown since the
beginning of this century with increasing ship-based surveys and regular monitoring sites …
beginning of this century with increasing ship-based surveys and regular monitoring sites …
Societal importance of Antarctic negative feedbacks on climate change: blue carbon gains from sea ice, ice shelf and glacier losses
Diminishing prospects for environmental preservation under climate change are intensifying
efforts to boost capture, storage and sequestration (long-term burial) of carbon. However, as …
efforts to boost capture, storage and sequestration (long-term burial) of carbon. However, as …
Deep-sea benthic megafauna hotspot shows indication of resilience to impact from massive turbidity flow
Sediment density flows are large scale disturbances that can have dramatic impacts on
seafloor animal communities in the deep sea. Seafloor imagery collected in Kaikōura …
seafloor animal communities in the deep sea. Seafloor imagery collected in Kaikōura …
Glacial dropstones: islands enhancing seafloor species richness of benthic megafauna in West Antarctic Peninsula fjords
The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) margin is dominated by glaciomarine fjords and has
experienced rapid climate warming in recent decades. Glacial calving along the peninsula …
experienced rapid climate warming in recent decades. Glacial calving along the peninsula …
Observations and models to support the first Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO)
Assessments of the status and trends of habitats, species and ecosystems are needed for
effective ecosystem-based management in marine ecosystems. Knowledge on imminent …
effective ecosystem-based management in marine ecosystems. Knowledge on imminent …
[HTML][HTML] Variability in zoobenthic blue carbon storage across a southern polar gradient
BAV Frinault, DKA Barnes - Marine Environmental Research, 2024 - Elsevier
The seabed of the Antarctic continental shelf hosts most of Antarctica's known species,
including taxa considered indicative of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs). Nonetheless …
including taxa considered indicative of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs). Nonetheless …
Benthic biodiversity in the South Orkney Islands Southern shelf marine protected area
ABSTRACT The South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf (SOISS) Marine Protected Area (MPA)
was the first MPA to be designated entirely within the high seas and is managed under the …
was the first MPA to be designated entirely within the high seas and is managed under the …
Benthic meltwater fjord habitats formed by rapid glacier recession on King George Island, Antarctica
The coasts of the West Antarctic Peninsula are strongly influenced by glacier meltwater
discharge. The spatial structure and biogeochemical composition of inshore habitats are …
discharge. The spatial structure and biogeochemical composition of inshore habitats are …
Benthic ecosystem cascade effects in Antarctica using Bayesian network inference
Antarctic sea-floor communities are unique, and more closely resemble those of the
Palaeozoic than equivalent contemporary habitats. However, comparatively little is known …
Palaeozoic than equivalent contemporary habitats. However, comparatively little is known …