[HTML][HTML] Willingness to pay for forest conservation: Evidence from a contingent valuation survey analysis in Southwest Ethiopia
Forests are the major source of biodiversity and ecosystem services, on which millions of
livelihoods depend. In Ethiopia, forests play a crucial role in the livelihoods of rural …
livelihoods depend. In Ethiopia, forests play a crucial role in the livelihoods of rural …
Drivers of migration intentions in coastal Vietnam under increased flood risk from sea level rise
Elevated flood risk due to sea level rise is expected to increase migration from coastal areas.
This presents an enormous policy challenge given the hundreds of millions of people living …
This presents an enormous policy challenge given the hundreds of millions of people living …
[HTML][HTML] Preferences of vulnerable social groups for ecosystem-based adaptation to flood risk in Central Vietnam
Develo** countries are increasingly impacted by floods, especially in Asia. Traditional
flood risk management, using structural measures such as levees, can have negative …
flood risk management, using structural measures such as levees, can have negative …
[HTML][HTML] Reducing the finance gap for nature-based solutions with time contributions
Nature-based solutions (NBS) to climate change and other environmental challenges face a
well-documented shortfall in financing and resource allocation. Economic evaluations of …
well-documented shortfall in financing and resource allocation. Economic evaluations of …
Who values urban community gardens and how much?
With the rising interest in urban agriculture (UA), community gardens have emerged as a
common instrument in UA policies aimed at addressing issues related to food security …
common instrument in UA policies aimed at addressing issues related to food security …
[HTML][HTML] Angry waves that eat the coast: An economic analysis of nature-based and engineering solutions to coastal erosion
Coastal areas in develo** countries are very vulnerable to the effects of sea-level rise.
Adaptation to sea-level rise through protection measures can include both engineering and …
Adaptation to sea-level rise through protection measures can include both engineering and …
Estimating benefits of nature-based solutions: diverging values from choice experiments with time or money payments
Nature-based solutions (NBS) provide a promising means to a climate resilient future. To
guide investments in NBS, stated preference studies have become a common tool to …
guide investments in NBS, stated preference studies have become a common tool to …
[HTML][HTML] Does the payment vehicle matter for valuing improved electricity reliability? A discrete choice experiment in Ethiopia
Frequent and prolonged power outages severely impede business operations in many
develo** countries. Given resource constraints, estimating the value of improved …
develo** countries. Given resource constraints, estimating the value of improved …
Self‐stated recovery from flooding: Empirical results from a survey in Central Vietnam
Social inequalities lead to flood resilience inequalities across social groups, a topic that
requires improved documentation and understanding. The objective of this paper is to attend …
requires improved documentation and understanding. The objective of this paper is to attend …
Floods of movement: Drivers of human migration under sea-level rise and flood risk
SJ Duijndam - 2024 - research.vu.nl
Climate change and associated sea-level rise are expected to increase flood risk in many
regions, impacting millions of people by impairing human safety and causing damage to …
regions, impacting millions of people by impairing human safety and causing damage to …