Analyzing international readiness of small and medium-sized enterprises
MR Hamidizadeh, M Zargaranyazd - Central European Business Review, 2014 - ceeol.com
Internationalization has different connotations for different social sciences and its social,
economic and cultural impacts have been examined by a number of studies. While firms' …
economic and cultural impacts have been examined by a number of studies. While firms' …
Models of internationalisation: the New Zealand experience
J Scott-Kennel - International Journal of Business and …, 2013 - inderscienceonline.com
This paper examines the models of internationalisation adopted by 30 firms from New
Zealand. Analysis of the internationalisation model is based on five key dimensions: firm …
Zealand. Analysis of the internationalisation model is based on five key dimensions: firm …
Export readiness among small-and medium-sized enterprises in Malaysia
Increasing the export has been an important agenda to many countries as it contributes to
economic growth. Exporting is the most common way to expand business and penetrate …
economic growth. Exporting is the most common way to expand business and penetrate …
[PDF][PDF] The antecedents of exporting
P Boiardi, L Sleuwaegen - Studie Steunpunt Internationaal …, 2014 - lirias.kuleuven.be
The paper analyses the antecedents of exporting by small and medium sized enterprises. A
conceptual model integrates push and pulls factors triggering firms to start exporting with …
conceptual model integrates push and pulls factors triggering firms to start exporting with …
Patterns of Internationalisation from a Distance: Drivers, Constraints and Models
J Scott-Kennel - ICSB World Conference Proceedings, 2012 - search.proquest.com
This paper builds on a review of New Zealand's internationalisation experience by profiling
the international strategies of 30 New Zealand firms. Analysis of the case firms is structured …
the international strategies of 30 New Zealand firms. Analysis of the case firms is structured …