[HTML][HTML] Laser powder bed fusion: a state-of-the-art review of the technology, materials, properties & defects, and numerical modelling
Additive Manufacturing (AM) has revolutionized the manufacturing industry in several
directions. Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), a powder bed fusion AM process, has been …
directions. Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), a powder bed fusion AM process, has been …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring the synergies between collaborative robotics, digital twins, augmentation, and industry 5.0 for smart manufacturing: A state-of-the-art review
Industry 5.0 aims at establishing an inclusive, smart and sustainable production process that
encourages human creativity and expertise by leveraging enhanced automation and …
encourages human creativity and expertise by leveraging enhanced automation and …
[HTML][HTML] Research and application of machine learning for additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing (AM) is poised to bring a revolution due to its unique production
paradigm. It offers the prospect of mass customization, flexible production, on-demand and …
paradigm. It offers the prospect of mass customization, flexible production, on-demand and …
Machine learning and deep learning based predictive quality in manufacturing: a systematic review
With the ongoing digitization of the manufacturing industry and the ability to bring together
data from manufacturing processes and quality measurements, there is enormous potential …
data from manufacturing processes and quality measurements, there is enormous potential …
[HTML][HTML] Big data, machine learning, and digital twin assisted additive manufacturing: A review
Additive manufacturing (AM) has undergone significant development over the past decades,
resulting in vast amounts of data that carry valuable information. Numerous research studies …
resulting in vast amounts of data that carry valuable information. Numerous research studies …
[HTML][HTML] A survey on AI-driven digital twins in industry 4.0: Smart manufacturing and advanced robotics
Digital twin (DT) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have grown rapidly in recent
years and are considered by both academia and industry to be key enablers for Industry 4.0 …
years and are considered by both academia and industry to be key enablers for Industry 4.0 …
Machine learning algorithms for defect detection in metal laser-based additive manufacturing: A review
Laser-based additive manufacturing (LBAM), a series of additive manufacturing
technologies, has unrivaled advantages due to its design freedom to manufacture complex …
technologies, has unrivaled advantages due to its design freedom to manufacture complex …
[HTML][HTML] Alloy design via additive manufacturing: Advantages, challenges, applications and perspectives
Additive manufacturing (AM) has rapidly changed both large-and small-scale production
environments across many industries. By re-envisioning parts from the ground up, not …
environments across many industries. By re-envisioning parts from the ground up, not …
In-situ monitoring of sub-surface and internal defects in additive manufacturing: A review
Abstract Additive Manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, processes depend on a user-defined
set of optimized process parameters to create a component. Monitoring and control of AM …
set of optimized process parameters to create a component. Monitoring and control of AM …
Intelligent additive manufacturing and design: state of the art and future perspectives
In additive manufacturing (AM), intelligent technologies are proving to be a powerful tool for
facilitating economic, efficient, and effective decision-making within the product and service …
facilitating economic, efficient, and effective decision-making within the product and service …