Species distribution models rarely predict the biology of real populations
Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used in ecology. In theory, SDMs capture (at
least part of) species' ecological niches and can be used to make inferences about the …
least part of) species' ecological niches and can be used to make inferences about the …
What do we really know about adaptation at range edges?
Recent theory and empirical evidence have provided new insights regarding how
evolutionary forces interact to shape adaptation at stable and transient range margins …
evolutionary forces interact to shape adaptation at stable and transient range margins …
Eco‐evolution on the edge during climate change
CP Nadeau, MC Urban - Ecography, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
We urgently need to predict species responses to climate change to minimize future
biodiversity loss and ensure we do not waste limited resources on ineffective conservation …
biodiversity loss and ensure we do not waste limited resources on ineffective conservation …
Species are not most abundant in the centre of their geographic range or climatic niche
The pervasive idea that species should be most abundant in the centre of their geographic
range or centre of their climatic niche is a key assumption in many existing ecological …
range or centre of their climatic niche is a key assumption in many existing ecological …
Trophic redundancy reduces vulnerability to extinction cascades
Current species extinction rates are at unprecedentedly high levels. While human activities
can be the direct cause of some extinctions, it is becoming increasingly clear that species …
can be the direct cause of some extinctions, it is becoming increasingly clear that species …
Ecological marginalization is widespread and increases extinction risk in mammals
Human land-use results in widespread range change across taxa. Anthropogenic pressures
can result in species' realized niches expanding, shifting, or contracting. Marginalization …
can result in species' realized niches expanding, shifting, or contracting. Marginalization …
Evolutionary origins for ecological patterns in space
Historically, many biologists assumed that evolution and ecology acted independently
because evolution occurred over distances too great to influence most ecological patterns …
because evolution occurred over distances too great to influence most ecological patterns …
Relationships between population densities and niche‐centroid distances in North American birds
Correlational ecological niche models have seen intensive use and exploration as a means
of estimating the limits of actual and potential geographic distributions of species, yet their …
of estimating the limits of actual and potential geographic distributions of species, yet their …
Local adaptation in a marine foundation species: Implications for resilience to future global change
Environmental change is multidimensional, with local anthropogenic stressors and global
climate change interacting to differentially impact populations throughout a species' …
climate change interacting to differentially impact populations throughout a species' …
Addressing common pitfalls does not provide more support to geographical and ecological abundant‐centre hypotheses
A long‐standing hypothesis in biogeography is that a species' abundance is highest at the
centre of its geographical or environmental space and decreases toward the edges. Several …
centre of its geographical or environmental space and decreases toward the edges. Several …