[PDF][PDF] Adaptivity and personalization in mobile learning
Mobile educational systems have begun to emerge as potential educational environments
supporting life-long learning. However, these environments still suffer from various …
supporting life-long learning. However, these environments still suffer from various …
[PDF][PDF] Usability of context-aware mobile educational game
Ubiquitous learning is an innovative approach that combines mobile learning and context-
awareness, can be seen as kind of location-based services, first detects user's location …
awareness, can be seen as kind of location-based services, first detects user's location …
[PDF][PDF] A Treasure Hunt Model for Inquiry-Based Learning in the Development of a Web-based Learning Support System.
One of the main problems of web-based learning is staying motivated at a sufficient level.
Learning games offering challenges and entertainment may stimulate student motivation for …
Learning games offering challenges and entertainment may stimulate student motivation for …
Context-aware mobile role playing game for learning
This book chapter discusses the research findings of a context-aware mobile role-playing
game that can automatically generate personalized context-aware learning activities based …
game that can automatically generate personalized context-aware learning activities based …
Identifying personalized context-aware knowledge structure for individual user in ubiquitous learning environment
Ubiquitous learning extends e-learning from indoor to outdoor but also overcomes the
weakness of mobile learning which only provides the specific domain knowledge to learners …
weakness of mobile learning which only provides the specific domain knowledge to learners …
Learning historical and cultural contents via mobile treasure hunting in five-harbor district of Tainan, Taiwan
Traditional formal education asks students studying in classroom and listening to teacher's
lecturing. Recent years, teachers are taking students out from the classroom and doing field …
lecturing. Recent years, teachers are taking students out from the classroom and doing field …
Revised computer game attitude scale
In order to fit students' needs, an accurate computer game attitude scale is needed so
teachers and researchers can know among their students who can really benefit from the …
teachers and researchers can know among their students who can really benefit from the …
[PDF][PDF] Mobile learning
D Frohberg - 2008 - zora.uzh.ch
Mit zunehmender Verbreitung des Computers entstand die Idee des Computer Based
Trainings (CBT). Mit dem Internet entwickelte sich dies zum Begriff Web Based Training …
Trainings (CBT). Mit dem Internet entwickelte sich dies zum Begriff Web Based Training …
Personalized recommendation strategies in mobile educational systems
Recent technological advancements shifted the trends of learning from e-learning to mobile
learning, thus added new dimensions such as learning process can take place at anytime …
learning, thus added new dimensions such as learning process can take place at anytime …
Teaching entity-relationship models effectively
T Hussain - 2016 International Conference on Computational …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Entity-Relationship (ER) models are usually used to design a database application in the
industry. Therefore, ER models are taught in database courses at many schools offering …
industry. Therefore, ER models are taught in database courses at many schools offering …