[HTML][HTML] Modern techniques for the optimal power flow problem: State of the art
BG Risi, F Riganti-Fulginei, A Laudani - Energies, 2022 - mdpi.com
Due to its significance in the operation of power systems, the optimal power flow (OPF)
problem has attracted increasing interest with the introduction of smart grids. Optimal power …
problem has attracted increasing interest with the introduction of smart grids. Optimal power …
[HTML][HTML] State-of-the-art of optimal active and reactive power flow: A comprehensive review from various standpoints
Optimal power flow (OPF), a mathematical programming problem extending power flow
relationships, is one of the essential tools in the operation and control of power grids. To …
relationships, is one of the essential tools in the operation and control of power grids. To …
Single and multi-objective optimal power flow using grey wolf optimizer and differential evolution algorithms
This article applies the grey wolf optimizer and differential evolution (DE) algorithms to solve
the optimal power flow (OPF) problem. Both algorithms are used to optimize single objective …
the optimal power flow (OPF) problem. Both algorithms are used to optimize single objective …
A multi-objective algorithm for optimization of modern machining processes
Multi-objective optimization aspects of four modern machining processes namely wire-
electro discharge machining process, laser cutting process, electrochemical machining …
electro discharge machining process, laser cutting process, electrochemical machining …
Application of modified pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm and constraint-objective sorting rule on multi-objective optimal power flow problem
G Chen, J Qian, Z Zhang, S Li - Applied Soft Computing, 2020 - Elsevier
To solve the non-differentiable optimal power flow (OPF) problems with multiple
contradictory objectives, a modified pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm (MPIO) is put …
contradictory objectives, a modified pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm (MPIO) is put …
MORSA: Multi-objective reptile search algorithm based on elite non-dominated sorting and grid indexing mechanism for wind farm layout optimization problem
Y Zheng, JS Wang, JH Zhu, XY Zhang, YX **ng… - Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
The proposal of the wind farm layout optimization (WFLO) problem aims to better utilize wind
energy. A multi-objective reptile search algorithm (MORSA) based on elite non-dominated …
energy. A multi-objective reptile search algorithm (MORSA) based on elite non-dominated …
A novel quasi-oppositional modified Jaya algorithm for multi-objective optimal power flow solution
This study introduces a novel meta-heuristic optimization algorithm known as quasi-
oppositional modified Jaya (QOMJaya) to solve different multi-objective optimal power flow …
oppositional modified Jaya (QOMJaya) to solve different multi-objective optimal power flow …
An enhanced self-adaptive differential evolution based solution methodology for multiobjective optimal power flow
This paper presents an Enhanced Self-adaptive Differential Evolution with Mixed Crossover
(ESDE-MC) algorithm to solve the multiobjective optimal power flow problems with …
(ESDE-MC) algorithm to solve the multiobjective optimal power flow problems with …
Are all the subproblems equally important? Resource allocation in decomposition-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithms
Decomposition-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) decompose a
multiobjective optimization problem into a set of scalar objective subproblems and solve …
multiobjective optimization problem into a set of scalar objective subproblems and solve …
Optimal power flow via teaching-learning-studying-based optimization algorithm
The teaching-learning-based optimizer (TLBO) algorithm is a powerful and efficient
optimization algorithm. However it is prone to getting stuck in local optima. In order to …
optimization algorithm. However it is prone to getting stuck in local optima. In order to …