A systematic review of human–computer interaction and explainable artificial intelligence in healthcare with artificial intelligence techniques
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the emerging technologies. In recent decades, artificial
intelligence (AI) has gained widespread acceptance in a variety of fields, including virtual …
intelligence (AI) has gained widespread acceptance in a variety of fields, including virtual …
Systematic review of software engineering uses of multi-criteria decision-making methods: Trends, bibliographic analysis, challenges, recommendations, and future …
AA Magabaleh, LL Ghraibeh, AY Audeh… - Applied Soft …, 2024 - Elsevier
Correctly adhering to the processes within the software development life cycle (SDLC), from
analysis and design to coding and testing, is vital for ensuring the successful and efficient …
analysis and design to coding and testing, is vital for ensuring the successful and efficient …
Technical debt forecasting: An empirical study on open-source repositories
Technical debt (TD) is commonly used to indicate additional costs caused by quality
compromises that can yield short-term benefits in the software development process, but …
compromises that can yield short-term benefits in the software development process, but …
Technical debt as an indicator of software security risk: a machine learning approach for software development enterprises
Vulnerability prediction facilitates the development of secure software, as it enables the
identification and mitigation of security risks early enough in the software development …
identification and mitigation of security risks early enough in the software development …
A hierarchical model for quantifying software security based on static analysis alerts and software metrics
Despite the acknowledged importance of quantitative security assessment in secure
software development, current literature still lacks an efficient model for measuring internal …
software development, current literature still lacks an efficient model for measuring internal …
[PDF][PDF] Human computer interaction applications in healthcare: An integrative review
INTRODUCTION: Human computer interaction (HCI) interprets the design model and the
uses of computer technology which focuses on the interface between the user and the …
uses of computer technology which focuses on the interface between the user and the …
Measuring the reusability of software components using static analysis metrics and reuse rate information
Nowadays, the continuously evolving open-source community and the increasing demands
of end users are forming a new software development paradigm; developers rely more on …
of end users are forming a new software development paradigm; developers rely more on …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluating software quality attributes using analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
IB Botchway, AA Emmanuel, N Solomon… - … Journal of Advanced …, 2021 - researchgate.net
The use of quality software is of importance to stakeholders and its demand is on the
increase. This work focuses on meeting software quality from the user and developer's …
increase. This work focuses on meeting software quality from the user and developer's …
A tool-supported approach for assessing the quality of modeling artifacts
Context: Software quality engineering is increasingly gaining interests also in the Model-
Driven Engineering community as testified by a large corpus of research that has been …
Driven Engineering community as testified by a large corpus of research that has been …
[PDF][PDF] An empirical evaluation of the relationship between technical debt and software security
Technical Debt (TD) is commonly used in practice as a measure of software quality. Due to
the potential overlap between software quality and software security, an interesting topic is …
the potential overlap between software quality and software security, an interesting topic is …