Инструментальные средства проектирования систем интегрированной модульной авионики

ДВ Буздалов, СВ Зеленов, ЕВ Корныхин… - Труды Института …, 2014 - cyberleninka.ru
Масштабы современных комплексов бортового авиационного оборудования таковы,
что их проектирование становится невозможным без привлечения средств …

Automated property-based testing from AADL component contracts

J Hatcliff, J Belt, Robby, J Legg, D Stewart… - … Conference on Formal …, 2023 - Springer
Effective and scalable quality assurance techniques are essential for realizing formal model-
based development techniques for high-assurance systems. In this paper, we present the …

An AADL Contract Language Supporting Integrated Model-and Code-Level Verification

J Hatcliff, D Stewart, J Belt, A Schwerdfeger - ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Model-based systems engineering approaches support the early adoption of a model-a
collection of abstractions-of the system under development. The system model can be …

My own private kiosk: Privacy-preserving public displays

M Eaddy, G Blasko, J Babcock… - … Symposium on Wearable …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Ubiquitous, high-resolution, large public displays offer an attractive complement to wearable
displays. Unfortunately, the inherently public nature of these public displays makes them …

Architecture models refinement for fine grain timing analysis of embedded systems

E Borde, S Rahmoun, F Cadoret… - 2014 25nd IEEE …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As real-time systems have become more and more complex, architects rely on abstract
models of computation in order to design and analyse these systems. In order to ease the …

Assurance of system safety: A survey of design and argument patterns

M Gleirscher, S Kugele - arxiv preprint arxiv:1902.05537, 2019 - arxiv.org
The specification, design, and assurance of safety encompasses various concepts and best
practices, subject of reuse in form of patterns. This work summarizes applied research on …

Tools for system design of integrated modular avionics

DV Buzdalov, SV Zelenov… - … of the Institute for …, 2014 - ispranproceedings.elpub.ru
Growth of modern avionics systems makes design of such systems impossible without
involvement of automation. Nowadays an area of such tools is represented by both the …

Modeling ROS based applications with AADL

E Senn, LWJ Bourdon - ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, 2023 - dl.acm.org
This paper presents a library of AADL models for ROS based applications. AADL models are
provided for every ROS services, namely nodes, and for complete robots hardware and …

Model-driven requirements engineering for embedded systems development

G Loniewski, E Borde, D Blouin… - 2013 39th Euromicro …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The development of embedded systems is a complex and challenging task. Part of this
complexity originates from limited resources and the need to solve tradeoffs between …

Deterministic implementation of periodic-delayed communications and experimentation in aadl

F Cadoret, T Robert, E Borde, L Pautet… - … Symposium on Object …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The design of hard real-time embedded systems has to comply with strong requirements
with respect to time determinism and resource consumption. However, interacting tasks may …