[HTML][HTML] Digestate management and processing practices: a review
The implementation of sustainable agro-energy systems that integrate crop, livestock, and
bioenergy production is attracting increasing interest from farmers. Livestock produces large …
bioenergy production is attracting increasing interest from farmers. Livestock produces large …
[HTML][HTML] Anaerobic co-digestion of wastes: reviewing current status and approaches for enhancing biogas production
Anaerobic digestion is one of the technologies that will play a key role in the
decarbonization of the economy, due to its capacity to treat organic waste, recover nutrients …
decarbonization of the economy, due to its capacity to treat organic waste, recover nutrients …
Utilization of the residual glycerol from biodiesel production for renewable energy generation
A rapid growth in biodiesel production has naturally led to a surplus of crude glycerol
generated. Due to the impurities present in the crude glycerol, expensive refining processes …
generated. Due to the impurities present in the crude glycerol, expensive refining processes …
Biogas production from organic wastes: Integrating concepts of circular economy
Anaerobic digestion is traditionally used for treating organic materials. This allows the
valorization of biogas and recycling of nutrients thanks to the land application of digestates …
valorization of biogas and recycling of nutrients thanks to the land application of digestates …
Anaerobic co-digestion of corn stover and chicken manure using continuous stirred tank reactor: The effect of biochar addition and urea pretreatment
The performance of biochar mediated anaerobic co-digestion (co-AD) of corn stover (CS)
and chicken manure (CM) using continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) was studied. Results …
and chicken manure (CM) using continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) was studied. Results …
[HTML][HTML] Anaerobic digestion for producing renewable energy—the evolution of this technology in a new uncertain scenario
Anaerobic digestion is a well-known technology with wide application in the treatment of
high-strength organic wastes. The economic feasibility of this type of installation is usually …
high-strength organic wastes. The economic feasibility of this type of installation is usually …
Codigestion of sludge and citrus peel wastes: Evaluating the effect of biochar addition on microbial communities
In this study, the effects on process performance and changes in microbial populations with
the addition of biochar to the anaerobic digestion of sludge and orange peels were …
the addition of biochar to the anaerobic digestion of sludge and orange peels were …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancing anaerobic digestion of poultry blood using activated carbon
The potential of using anaerobic digestion for the treatment of poultry blood has been
evaluated in batch assays at the laboratory scale and in a mesophilic semi-continuous …
evaluated in batch assays at the laboratory scale and in a mesophilic semi-continuous …
Crop performance and soil fertility improvement using organic fertilizer produced from valorization of Carica papaya fruit peel
In recent times, research attention is focusing on harnessing agricultural wastes for the
production of value-added products. In this study, the valorization of Carica papaya …
production of value-added products. In this study, the valorization of Carica papaya …
Investigation on by-products of bioenergy systems (anaerobic digestion and gasification) as potential crop nutrient using FTIR, XRD, SEM analysis and phyto-toxicity …
Success and acceptability of the bio energy conversion technology to a large extent depend
upon management of the inevitable by-products generated during the conversion process …
upon management of the inevitable by-products generated during the conversion process …