High precision determination of αs from a global fit of jet rates
A bstract We present state-of-the-art extractions of the strong coupling based on N 3 LO+
NNLL accurate predictions for the two-jet rate in the Durham clustering algorithm at e+ e …
NNLL accurate predictions for the two-jet rate in the Durham clustering algorithm at e+ e …
Derivation of determinantal structures for random matrix ensembles in a new way
There are several methods to treat ensembles of random matrices in symmetric spaces,
circular matrices, chiral matrices and others. Orthogonal polynomials and the …
circular matrices, chiral matrices and others. Orthogonal polynomials and the …
Optimal lower bound on the least singular value of the shifted Ginibre ensemble
We consider the least singular value of a large random matrix with real or complex iid
Gaussian entries shifted by a constant z∈ ℂ. We prove an optimal lower tail estimate on this …
Gaussian entries shifted by a constant z∈ ℂ. We prove an optimal lower tail estimate on this …
[HTML][HTML] Winding number statistics for chiral random matrices: Averaging ratios of determinants with parametric dependence
Topological invariance is a powerful concept in different branches of physics as they are
particularly robust under perturbations. We generalize the ideas of computing the statistics of …
particularly robust under perturbations. We generalize the ideas of computing the statistics of …
Spectral properties of the Wilson-Dirac operator and random matrix theory
Random matrix theory has been successfully applied to lattice quantum chromodynamics. In
particular, a great deal of progress has been made on the understanding, numerically as …
particular, a great deal of progress has been made on the understanding, numerically as …
A new approach to derive Pfaffian structures for random matrix ensembles
Correlation functions for matrix ensembles with orthogonal and unitary-symplectic rotation
symmetry are more complicated to calculate than in the unitary case. The supersymmetry …
symmetry are more complicated to calculate than in the unitary case. The supersymmetry …
Dirac spectra of two-dimensional QCD-like theories
We analyze Dirac spectra of two-dimensional QCD-like theories both in the continuum and
on the lattice and classify them according to random matrix theories sharing the same global …
on the lattice and classify them according to random matrix theories sharing the same global …
Supersymmetry approach to Wishart correlation matrices: Exact results
We calculate the 'one-point function', meaning the marginal probability density function for
any single eigenvalue, of real and complex Wishart correlation matrices. No explicit …
any single eigenvalue, of real and complex Wishart correlation matrices. No explicit …
Supersymmetry in random matrix theory
T Guhr - arxiv preprint arxiv:1005.0979, 2010 - arxiv.org
Supersymmetry is nowadays indispensable for many problems in Random Matrix Theory. It
is presented here with an emphasis on conceptual and structural issues. An introduction to …
is presented here with an emphasis on conceptual and structural issues. An introduction to …
Spectral correlation functions of the sum of two independent complex Wishart matrices with unequal covariances
G Akemann, T Checinski… - Journal of Physics A …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
We compute the spectral statistics of the sum H of two independent complex Wishart
matrices, each of which is correlated with a different covariance matrix. Random matrix …
matrices, each of which is correlated with a different covariance matrix. Random matrix …