Mental health, substance use, and wellbeing in higher education: Supporting the whole student

LA Scherer, AI Leshner - 2021 -
Student wellbeing is foundational to academic success. One recent survey of postsecondary
educators found that nearly 80 percent believed emotional wellbeing is a" very" or" …

Substance use among college students

CR Skidmore, EA Kaufman… - Child and Adolescent …, 2016 -
Substance use is among the most critical problems facing college students in the United
States. 1, 2 Recent epidemiologic research indicates approximately 26% of male and 19.2 …

Drinking over the lifespan: Focus on college ages

JE Merrill, KB Carey - Alcohol research: current reviews, 2016 -
Many college students drink heavily and experience myriad associated negative
consequences. This review suggests that a developmental perspective can facilitate a better …

Turning point for a turning point: Advancing emerging adulthood theory and research

SJ Schwartz - Emerging Adulthood, 2016 -
The present article reviews three key issues regarding the emerging adult life stage—the
ways in which emerging adulthood represents a key turning point in the life span (and the …

The etiologic, theory-based, ontogenetic hierarchical framework of alcohol use disorder: A translational systematic review of reviews.

CL Boness, AL Watts, KN Moeller, KJ Sher - Psychological bulletin, 2021 -
Abstract Modern nosologies (eg, International Classification of Diseases, 11th edition [ICD-
11], Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition [DSM–5]) for alcohol …

“Man-ing” up and getting drunk: The role of masculine norms, alcohol intoxication and alcohol-related problems among college men

DK Iwamoto, A Cheng, CS Lee, S Takamatsu… - Addictive …, 2011 - Elsevier
Compared to college women, college men face elevated risks for problematic drinking and
negative alcohol-related consequences. These risks highlight the critical need to investigate …

Efficacy of alcohol interventions for first-year college students: a meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials.

LAJ Scott-Sheldon, KB Carey, JC Elliott… - Journal of consulting …, 2014 -
Objective: Alcohol use established during the first-year of college can result in adverse
consequences during the college years and beyond. In this meta-analysis, we evaluated the …

Lifestyle risk factors of students: a cluster analytical approach

LJ Dodd, Y Al-Nakeeb, A Nevill, MJ Forshaw - Preventive medicine, 2010 - Elsevier
OBJECTIVE: Unhealthy lifestyle behaviours have been identified as a problem amongst
students. This present study investigated the prevalence and clustering of five lifestyle risk …

Changes in undergraduates' marijuana, heavy alcohol and cigarette use following legalization of recreational marijuana use in Oregon

DCR Kerr, H Bae, S Phibbs, AC Kern - Addiction, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Background and Aims Recreational marijuana legalization (RML) went into effect in
Oregon in July 2015. RML is expected to influence marijuana use by adolescents and young …

Binge drinking before and after a COVID-19 campus closure among first-year college students

EE Bonar, MJ Parks, M Gunlicks-Stoessel, GR Lyden… - Addictive …, 2021 - Elsevier
Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic is associated with reports of increased substance use.
College students are a population of concern for high risk binge drinking and their behavior …