Twenty years of mobile banking services development and sustainability: a bibliometric analysis overview (2000–2020)
The current paper aims to analyze the keywords related to mobile banking (otherwise known
as m-banking) issues by focusing on its development from 2000 to 2020, of which the first …
as m-banking) issues by focusing on its development from 2000 to 2020, of which the first …
[PDF][PDF] Review of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in internet banking and mobile banking
M Ahmad - … of Information Communication Technology and Digital …, 2018 - researchgate.net
The adoption of new technology has been under debate since the 1970s. Over the decades,
many theories and models have proposed to address the consumer adoption issues; one of …
many theories and models have proposed to address the consumer adoption issues; one of …
A meta-analysis of the UTAUT model in the mobile banking literature: The moderating role of sample size and culture
In the last few years, several studies have examined the predictors of mobile banking (m-
banking) adoption using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) …
banking) adoption using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) …
[HTML][HTML] A cross-cultural study of the intention to use mobile banking between Lebanese and British consumers: Extending UTAUT2 with security, privacy and trust
This study aims to examine the key factors that may hinder or facilitate the adoption of
mobile banking services in a cross-cultural context. A conceptual framework was developed …
mobile banking services in a cross-cultural context. A conceptual framework was developed …
The intentions of Lebanese consumers to adopt mobile banking
MH Koksal - International Journal of bank marketing, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that differentiate customers with
high intentions to adopt mobile banking from others. This study examined the effect of …
high intentions to adopt mobile banking from others. This study examined the effect of …
An empirical examination of the moderating role of age and gender in consumer mobile banking use: a cross-national, quantitative study
Purpose Despite the benefits of mobile banking services in an increasingly digitised world,
adoption rates remain unsatisfactory. The present cross-national study examines age-and …
adoption rates remain unsatisfactory. The present cross-national study examines age-and …
Mobile banking usage in the postpandemic era: Demystifying the disparities among divergent user segments in a majority-Muslim country
Purpose The COVID-19 crisis has sped up digital transformation and technologies by
several years. Customers have dramatically shifted to online channels, and businesses …
several years. Customers have dramatically shifted to online channels, and businesses …
The effect of customer lifestyle patterns on the use of mobile banking applications in Jordan
R Al-Dmour, EAH Dawood… - International …, 2020 - inderscienceonline.com
In the last few years, a crucial business trend has been derived from the information systems
(IS) discipline called'mobile banking applications'. This trend has focused upon conducting …
(IS) discipline called'mobile banking applications'. This trend has focused upon conducting …
Factors influencing acceptance of Robo-Advisors for wealth management in Malaysia
Since the 2008 global financial crisis, many innovations have emerged in the financial
sector as investors started to look for alternative methods to eliminate irrational decision …
sector as investors started to look for alternative methods to eliminate irrational decision …
Influencing Factors on the Actual Usage of Mobile Phone Banking in the Shari'ah Banks: A Survey in Palembang City, Indonesia
This research was developed from a study conducted by Talukder, Quazi and Sathye in
2014 whom were tried to discover mobile phone banking usage behavior of banks …
2014 whom were tried to discover mobile phone banking usage behavior of banks …