[PDF][PDF] Review of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in internet banking and mobile banking

M Ahmad - … of Information Communication Technology and Digital …, 2018 - researchgate.net
The adoption of new technology has been under debate since the 1970s. Over the decades,
many theories and models have proposed to address the consumer adoption issues; one of …

A meta-analysis of the UTAUT model in the mobile banking literature: The moderating role of sample size and culture

Y Jadil, NP Rana, YK Dwivedi - Journal of Business Research, 2021 - Elsevier
In the last few years, several studies have examined the predictors of mobile banking (m-
banking) adoption using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) …

The intentions of Lebanese consumers to adopt mobile banking

MH Koksal - International Journal of bank marketing, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that differentiate customers with
high intentions to adopt mobile banking from others. This study examined the effect of …

An empirical examination of the moderating role of age and gender in consumer mobile banking use: a cross-national, quantitative study

M Merhi, K Hone, A Tarhini, N Ameen - Journal of Enterprise …, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose Despite the benefits of mobile banking services in an increasingly digitised world,
adoption rates remain unsatisfactory. The present cross-national study examines age-and …

Mobile banking usage in the postpandemic era: Demystifying the disparities among divergent user segments in a majority-Muslim country

Y Chetioui, H Lebdaoui, N Hafid - Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose The COVID-19 crisis has sped up digital transformation and technologies by
several years. Customers have dramatically shifted to online channels, and businesses …

The effect of customer lifestyle patterns on the use of mobile banking applications in Jordan

R Al-Dmour, EAH Dawood… - International …, 2020 - inderscienceonline.com
In the last few years, a crucial business trend has been derived from the information systems
(IS) discipline called'mobile banking applications'. This trend has focused upon conducting …

Factors influencing acceptance of Robo-Advisors for wealth management in Malaysia

TPL Nguyen, LW Chew, S Muthaiyah, BH Teh… - Cogent …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Since the 2008 global financial crisis, many innovations have emerged in the financial
sector as investors started to look for alternative methods to eliminate irrational decision …