International public relations: A framework for future research
As a profession, public relations has become a global enterprise. Public relations education
is only now beginning to catch up with the global nature of the profession. It is quite widely …
is only now beginning to catch up with the global nature of the profession. It is quite widely …
[PDF][PDF] Паблик рилейшнз для профессионалов
ГГ Почепцов - М.: Рефл-бук, 2000 - library.lgaki.info
Александр Довженко прав: в одном и том же объекте мы можем увидеть самые разные
характеристики. Вопрос только в том, что именно мы захотим в нем увидеть. Сам же …
характеристики. Вопрос только в том, что именно мы захотим в нем увидеть. Сам же …
[КНИГА][B] Effective fund-raising management
KS Kelly - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
In a ground-breaking departure from existing works, almost all of which are how-to manuals
based on anecdotal evidence, this is the first academic textbook on fund raising. By …
based on anecdotal evidence, this is the first academic textbook on fund raising. By …
[КНИГА][B] Sport and the media: Managing the nexus
Successful media relations and a sound communication strategy are essential for all sport
organizations. Any successful manager working in sport must have a clear understanding of …
organizations. Any successful manager working in sport must have a clear understanding of …
[КНИГА][B] Municipal stormwater management
TN Debo, A Reese - 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
Designed to be a stand alone desktop reference for the Stormwater manager, designer, and
planner, the bestselling Municipal Stormwater Management has been expanded and …
planner, the bestselling Municipal Stormwater Management has been expanded and …
The World Wide Web as a public relations medium: The use of research, planning, and evaluation in Web site development
C White, N Raman - Public relations review, 1999 - Elsevier
The World Wide Web is viewed as a desirable medium for public relations by many
organizations. Given the evolving nature of the Web and the mixed findings about …
organizations. Given the evolving nature of the Web and the mixed findings about …
[КНИГА][B] Business Communication: Rethinking your professional practice for the post-digital age
P Hartley, C Bruckmann - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
This is a wide-ranging, up-to-date introduction to modern business communication, which
integrates communication theory and practice and challenges many orthodox views of the …
integrates communication theory and practice and challenges many orthodox views of the …
[КНИГА][B] Паблик рилейшнз: от бизнеса до политики
ЕН Пашенцев - 2002 - elibrary.ru
Новые организационные формы ПР-бизнеса, деятельность вертикально-
интегрированных групп и сетевых агентств в Европе, поглощения ПР-компаний …
интегрированных групп и сетевых агентств в Европе, поглощения ПР-компаний …
A theoretical framework for global public relations research and practice
As described in the Introduction, there is very little empirical evidence on the nature of public
relations in many regions of the world. We believe that the body of knowledge of …
relations in many regions of the world. We believe that the body of knowledge of …
Enhancing motivation, ability, and opportunity to process public relations messages
K Hallahan - Public relations review, 2000 - Elsevier
Drawing on the motivation, ability, and opportunity (MAO) model in the consumer
psychology literature, this article suggests that motivation, ability, and opportunity provide …
psychology literature, this article suggests that motivation, ability, and opportunity provide …