The ecological importance of allelopathy
JL Hierro, RM Callaway - Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution …, 2021 - annualreviews.org
Allelopathy (ie, chemical interaction among species) was originally conceived as inclusive of
positive and negative effects of plants on other plants, and we adopt this view. Most studies …
positive and negative effects of plants on other plants, and we adopt this view. Most studies …
Germination, postgermination adaptation, and species ecological ranges
Germination behavior is one of the earliest phenotypes expressed by plants. This fact has
several consequences for the evolution of postgermination traits, ecological niches, and …
several consequences for the evolution of postgermination traits, ecological niches, and …
Plant root exudates mediate neighbour recognition and trigger complex behavioural changes
Some plant species are able to distinguish between neighbours of different genetic identity
and attempt to pre‐empt resources through root proliferation in the presence of unrelated …
and attempt to pre‐empt resources through root proliferation in the presence of unrelated …
Moving forward on facilitation research: response to changing environments and effects on the diversity, functioning and evolution of plant communities
Once seen as anomalous, facilitative interactions among plants and their importance for
community structure and functioning are now widely recognized. The growing body of …
community structure and functioning are now widely recognized. The growing body of …
Plant conservation genetics in a changing world
Plant conservation genetics provides tools to guide conservation and restoration efforts,
measure and monitor success, and ultimately minimize extinction risk by conserving species …
measure and monitor success, and ultimately minimize extinction risk by conserving species …
Birch (Betula spp.) leaves adsorb and re‐release volatiles specific to neighbouring plants – a mechanism for associational herbivore resistance?
Plant‐emitted semi‐volatile compounds have low vaporization rates at 20–25° C and may
therefore persist on surfaces such as plant foliage. The passive adsorption of arthropod …
therefore persist on surfaces such as plant foliage. The passive adsorption of arthropod …
(–)-Loliolide, the most ubiquitous lactone, is involved in barnyardgrass-induced rice allelopathy
LL Li, HH Zhao, CH Kong - Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Neighbor detection and allelochemical response are important mediators in plant–plant
interactions. Although there is increasing knowledge about plant allelochemicals released in …
interactions. Although there is increasing knowledge about plant allelochemicals released in …
Interactions among plants and evolution
Interactions among plants and their consumers, pollinators and dispersers are central to
evolutionary theory, but interactions among plants themselves have received much less …
evolutionary theory, but interactions among plants themselves have received much less …
Coevolution between invasive and native plants driven by chemical competition and soil biota
RA Lankau - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012 - pnas.org
Although reciprocal evolutionary responses between interacting species are a driving force
behind the diversity of life, pairwise coevolution between plant competitors has received less …
behind the diversity of life, pairwise coevolution between plant competitors has received less …
α-Terpinyl Acetate: Occurrence in Essential Oils Bearing Thymus pulegioides, Phytotoxicity, and Antimicrobial Effects
V Vaičiulytė, K Ložienė, J Švedienė, V Raudonienė… - Molecules, 2021 - mdpi.com
The aim of this study was to evaluate occurrence of T. pulegioides α-terpinyl acetate
chemotype, as source of natural origin α-terpinyl acetate, to determine its phytotoxic and …
chemotype, as source of natural origin α-terpinyl acetate, to determine its phytotoxic and …