Scholarly communication and academic librarians
It is generally accepted among library and information science scholars that academic
librarians can potentially assist faculty members with formal and informal scholarly …
librarians can potentially assist faculty members with formal and informal scholarly …
Scholarly communication and the academic library: Perceptions and recent developments
This chapter focuses on the role that academic libraries play in the process of scholarly
communication and presents a mixed-methods study to investigate (a) how faculty members …
communication and presents a mixed-methods study to investigate (a) how faculty members …
Transforming library research services: towards a collaborative partnership
Purpose–The paper aims to explore the new and changing role of the research librarian with
specific reference to Charles Darwin University (CDU), Australia. In response to the …
specific reference to Charles Darwin University (CDU), Australia. In response to the …
Wrangling the literature: Quietly contributing to HDR completions
Many Higher Degree by Research candidates find the experience of searching the literature
overwhelming and stressful. Experienced researchers draw on deep disciplinary …
overwhelming and stressful. Experienced researchers draw on deep disciplinary …
What the library did next: strengthening our visibility in research support
R Parker - 2012 -
Academic libraries have a long and proud history of supporting teaching and learning in
universities. However, there is growing recognition that supporting research in line with their …
universities. However, there is growing recognition that supporting research in line with their …
Toward Redefining Library Research Support Services in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: An Evidence-Based Practice Approach
An increasingly complex and demanding research landscape has seen university libraries
rapidly evolve their services. While research data management, bibliometrics, and research …
rapidly evolve their services. While research data management, bibliometrics, and research …
How is the role of academic library workers perceived by both faculty members and library workers?
This study examined, qualitatively and quantitatively, how academic faculty members
perceive the role of academic library workers (ALWs) and how these workers perceive their …
perceive the role of academic library workers (ALWs) and how these workers perceive their …
Exploring the experiences of Australian science researchers; Library, Google and beyond
EM Niewiadomska - 2021 -
Universities and research institutions in Australia are under pressure to produce high-quality
research outputs. To generate the desired level of research, continuous provision of …
research outputs. To generate the desired level of research, continuous provision of …
[PDF][PDF] Nabila Mushtaq
F Gulzar -
Libraries play a crucial role in scholarly communication, facilitating the formal or informal
transmission of academic and research findings to peers. However, the evolving landscape …
transmission of academic and research findings to peers. However, the evolving landscape …
Becoming the library? Research librarians and the future of academic libraries
R Parker - 2016 -
Academic libraries are changing. They are moving away from the'cosy library'-the home of
traditional library roles, collections and spaces-towards the'scary library', where projects …
traditional library roles, collections and spaces-towards the'scary library', where projects …