Recent advances in 2D superconductors
The emergence of superconductivity in 2D materials has attracted much attention and there
has been rapid development in recent years because of their fruitful physical properties …
has been rapid development in recent years because of their fruitful physical properties …
Recent progress of TMD nanomaterials: phase transitions and applications
HH Huang, X Fan, DJ Singh, WT Zheng - Nanoscale, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) show wide ranges of electronic properties ranging
from semiconducting, semi-metallic to metallic due to their remarkable structural differences …
from semiconducting, semi-metallic to metallic due to their remarkable structural differences …
Tailored Ising superconductivity in intercalated bulk NbSe2
Reducing the dimensionality of layered materials can result in properties distinct from their
bulk crystals,–. However, the emergent properties in atomically thin samples, in particular in …
bulk crystals,–. However, the emergent properties in atomically thin samples, in particular in …
Printable two-dimensional superconducting monolayers
Abstract Two-dimensional superconductor (2DSC) monolayers with non-centrosymmetry
exhibit unconventional Ising pair superconductivity and an enhanced upper critical field …
exhibit unconventional Ising pair superconductivity and an enhanced upper critical field …
Ising Superconductivity and Magnetism in
Recent studies on superconductivity in NbSe 2 have demonstrated a large anisotropy in the
superconducting critical field when the material is reduced to a single monolayer. Motivated …
superconducting critical field when the material is reduced to a single monolayer. Motivated …
Enhanced superconductivity upon weakening of charge density wave transport in in the two-dimensional limit
Layered transition-metal dichalcogenides that host coexisting charge-density wave (CDW)
and superconducting orders provide ideal systems for exploring the effects of dimensionality …
and superconducting orders provide ideal systems for exploring the effects of dimensionality …
Proximity-induced superconducting gap in the quantum spin Hall edge state of monolayer WTe2
The quantum spin Hall insulator is characterized by a bandgap in the two-dimensional (2D)
interior and helical 1D edge states,–. Inducing superconductivity in the helical edge state …
interior and helical 1D edge states,–. Inducing superconductivity in the helical edge state …
When superconductivity crosses over: From BCS to BEC
New developments in superconductivity, particularly through unexpected and often
surprising forms of superconducting materials, continue to excite the community and …
surprising forms of superconducting materials, continue to excite the community and …
Electronic inhomogeneity and phase fluctuation in one-unit-cell FeSe films
D Zhao, W Cui, Y Liu, G Gong, L Zhang, G Jia… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
One-unit-cell FeSe films on SrTiO3 substrates are of great interest owing to significantly
enlarged pairing gaps characterized by two coherence peaks at±10 meV and±20 meV. In …
enlarged pairing gaps characterized by two coherence peaks at±10 meV and±20 meV. In …
Van der Waals ferromagnetic Josephson junctions
Superconductor-ferromagnet interfaces in two-dimensional heterostructures present a
unique opportunity to study the interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism …
unique opportunity to study the interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism …