A physics-based crystal plasticity model for the prediction of the dislocation densities in micropillar compression

J Jeong, GZ Voyiadjis - Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2022 - Elsevier
A new nonlocal crystal plasticity model is developed to study the mechanical behavior of
face-centered cubic single crystals under heterogeneous inelastic deformation through a …

[HTML][HTML] On identifying dynamic length scales in crystal plasticity

D Berta, D Kurunczi-Papp, L Laurson, PD Ispánovity - Acta Materialia, 2025 - Elsevier
Materials are often heterogeneous at various length scales, with variations in grain structure,
defects, and composition which has a strong influence on the emergent macroscopic plastic …

Identification of dislocation reaction kinetics in complex dislocation networks for continuum modelling using data-driven methods

B Katzer, K Zoller, D Weygand, K Schulz - … of the Mechanics and Physics of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Plastic deformation of metals involves the complex evolution of dislocations forming strongly
connected dislocation networks. These dislocation networks are based on dislocation …

Statistical properties of fractal type dislocation cell structures

S Lipcsei, S Kalácska, PD Ispánovity, JL Lábár… - Physical Review …, 2023 - APS
The dislocation microstructure develo** during plastic deformation strongly influences the
stress-strain properties of crystalline materials. Resent theoretical investigations based on …

Characterization of Lomer junctions based on the Lomer arm length distribution in dislocation networks

B Katzer, K Zoller, J Bermuth, D Weygand, K Schulz - Scripta Materialia, 2023 - Elsevier
During the plastic deformation of crystalline materials, 3d dislocation networks form based
on dislocation junctions. Particularly, immobile Lomer junctions are essential for the stability …

Statistical analogies between earthquakes, micro-quakes in metals and avalanches in the 1D Burridge-Knopoff model

A Kuki, S Lipcsei, I Gere, F Járai-Szabó, A Gergely… - G eofizika, 2023 - hrcak.srce.hr
Universalities and intriguing analogies in the statistics of avalanches are revealed for three
physical systems defined on largely different length and energy scales. Earthquakes …

[HTML][HTML] Irreversible evolution of dislocation pile-ups during cyclic microcantilever bending

D Ugi, K Zoller, K Lukács, Z Fogarassy, I Groma… - Materials & Design, 2024 - Elsevier
In single crystals, plastic deformations are predominantly governed by dislocation movement
and interactions. The group of dislocations that creates strain gradients, known as …

Classification of slip system interaction in microwires under torsion

K Zoller, P Gruber, M Ziemann, A Görtz… - Computational Materials …, 2023 - Elsevier
Microwires have become of increasing interest for the miniaturization of structural
components. A profound understanding of the deformation behavior of microwires is …

Combining simulation and experimental data via surrogate modelling of continuum dislocation dynamics simulations

B Katzer, D Betsche, F von Hoegen… - … and Simulation in …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
Several computational models have been introduced in recent years to yield comprehensive
insights into microstructural evolution analyses. However, the identification of the correct …

Dynamic length scale and weakest link behavior in crystal plasticity

D Berta, G Péterffy, PD Ispánovity - Physical Review Materials, 2023 - APS
Irreversible deformation of crystals is often characterized by stochastic scale-free distributed
intermittent local plastic bursts. Quenched obstacles with short-range interaction were found …