Robustness and resilience of complex networks
Complex networks are ubiquitous: a cell, the human brain, a group of people and the
Internet are all examples of interconnected many-body systems characterized by …
Internet are all examples of interconnected many-body systems characterized by …
Epidemic spreading on higher-order networks
Gathering events, eg, going to gyms and meetings, are ubiquitous and crucial in the
spreading phenomena, which induce higher-order interactions, and thus can be described …
spreading phenomena, which induce higher-order interactions, and thus can be described …
Percolation on complex networks: Theory and application
In the last two decades, network science has blossomed and influenced various fields, such
as statistical physics, computer science, biology and sociology, from the perspective of the …
as statistical physics, computer science, biology and sociology, from the perspective of the …
Epidemic processes in complex networks
In recent years the research community has accumulated overwhelming evidence for the
emergence of complex and heterogeneous connectivity patterns in a wide range of …
emergence of complex and heterogeneous connectivity patterns in a wide range of …
Unification of theoretical approaches for epidemic spreading on complex networks
Abstract Models of epidemic spreading on complex networks have attracted great attention
among researchers in physics, mathematics, and epidemiology due to their success in …
among researchers in physics, mathematics, and epidemiology due to their success in …
Network science
AL Barabási - … Transactions of the Royal Society A …, 2013 -
Professor Barabási's talk described how the tools of network science can help understand
the Web's structure, development and weaknesses. The Web is an information network, in …
the Web's structure, development and weaknesses. The Web is an information network, in …
[CARTE][B] Complex networks: structure, robustness and function
Examining important results and analytical techniques, this graduate-level textbook is a step-
by-step presentation of the structure and function of complex networks. Using a range of …
by-step presentation of the structure and function of complex networks. Using a range of …
Percolation on sparse networks
We study percolation on networks, which is used as a model of the resilience of networked
systems such as the Internet to attack or failure and as a simple model of the spread of …
systems such as the Internet to attack or failure and as a simple model of the spread of …
A comprehensive study of a 29-capsid AAV library in a non-human primate central nervous system
Non-human primates (NHPs) are a preferred animal model for optimizing adeno-associated
virus (AAV)-mediated CNS gene delivery protocols before clinical trials. In spite of its …
virus (AAV)-mediated CNS gene delivery protocols before clinical trials. In spite of its …
Percolation and topological properties of temporal higher-order networks
Many complex systems that exhibit temporal nonpairwise interactions can be represented by
means of generative higher-order network models. Here, we propose a hidden variable …
means of generative higher-order network models. Here, we propose a hidden variable …