Ridesourcing systems: A framework and review
With the rapid development and popularization of mobile and wireless communication
technologies, ridesourcing companies have been able to leverage internet-based platforms …
technologies, ridesourcing companies have been able to leverage internet-based platforms …
Active accessibility: A review of operational measures of walking and cycling accessibility
Active travel is enthusiastically promoted in the Western world due to its clear and
demonstrated individual and collective benefits. While active travel has been shown to be …
demonstrated individual and collective benefits. While active travel has been shown to be …
Measurements of POI-based mixed use and their relationships with neighbourhood vibrancy
Although mixed use is an emerging strategy that has been widely accepted in urban
planning for promoting neighbourhood vibrancy, there is no consensus on how to …
planning for promoting neighbourhood vibrancy, there is no consensus on how to …
Does compact development make people drive less?
MR Stevens - Journal of the American Planning Association, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Problem, research strategy, and findings: Planners commonly recommend compact
development in part as a way of getting people to drive less, with the idea that less driving …
development in part as a way of getting people to drive less, with the idea that less driving …
Travel and the built environment: A meta-analysis
Problem: Localities and states are turning to land planning and urban design for help in
reducing automobile use and related social and environmental costs. The effects of such …
reducing automobile use and related social and environmental costs. The effects of such …
Nonlinear effect of accessibility on car ownership in Bei**g: Pedestrian-scale neighborhood planning
Using a 2017 travel survey dataset and crawled heatmaps and point-of-interests (POIs) data
in Bei**g, China, this study adopts a gradient boosting decision trees (GBDT) algorithm to …
in Bei**g, China, this study adopts a gradient boosting decision trees (GBDT) algorithm to …
Understanding individual mobility patterns from urban sensing data: A mobile phone trace example
Large-scale urban sensing data such as mobile phone traces are emerging as an important
data source for urban modeling. This study represents a first step towards building a …
data source for urban modeling. This study represents a first step towards building a …
Accessibility and transit-oriented development in European metropolitan areas
E Papa, L Bertolini - Journal of Transport Geography, 2015 - Elsevier
This study investigates how urban form is related to accessibility. In particular, it explores the
relationship between Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and rail-based accessibility in a …
relationship between Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and rail-based accessibility in a …
[HTML][HTML] A composite X-minute city cycling accessibility metric and its role in assessing spatial and socioeconomic inequalities–A case study in Utrecht, the …
The 15 min city (or “X-minute city” in general) concept aims to give people access to all
essential services and daily needs (eg, healthcare, education, etc.) within X minutes of …
essential services and daily needs (eg, healthcare, education, etc.) within X minutes of …
[КНИГА][B] Accessibility in cities: transport and urban form
P Rode, G Floater, N Thomopoulos, J Docherty… - 2017 - Springer
This chapter reviews the different pathways which cities are following to become more
accessible. By identifying the close link between transport and urban form based on global …
accessible. By identifying the close link between transport and urban form based on global …