Over-reliance on English hinders cognitive science
Abstract English is the dominant language in the study of human cognition and behavior: the
individuals studied by cognitive scientists, as well as most of the scientists themselves, are …
individuals studied by cognitive scientists, as well as most of the scientists themselves, are …
Prediction during language comprehension: what is next?
Prediction is often regarded as an integral aspect of incremental language comprehension,
but little is known about the cognitive architectures and mechanisms that support it. We …
but little is known about the cognitive architectures and mechanisms that support it. We …
How many words do we read per minute? A review and meta-analysis of reading rate
M Brysbaert - Journal of memory and language, 2019 - Elsevier
Based on the analysis of 190 studies (18,573 participants), we estimate that the average
silent reading rate for adults in English is 238 words per minute (wpm) for non-fiction and …
silent reading rate for adults in English is 238 words per minute (wpm) for non-fiction and …
A meta-analysis of the relation between syntactic skills and reading comprehension: a cross-linguistic and developmental investigation
Theories of reading comprehension have widely predicted a role for syntactic skills, or the
ability to understand and manipulate the structure of a sentence. Yet, these theories are …
ability to understand and manipulate the structure of a sentence. Yet, these theories are …
Connecting and considering: Electrophysiology provides insights into comprehension
KD Federmeier - Psychophysiology, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The ability to rapidly and systematically access knowledge stored in long‐term memory in
response to incoming sensory information—that is, to derive meaning from the world—lies at …
response to incoming sensory information—that is, to derive meaning from the world—lies at …
Using network science to understand the aging lexicon: Linking individuals' experience, semantic networks, and cognitive performance
People undergo many idiosyncratic experiences throughout their lives that may contribute to
individual differences in the size and structure of their knowledge representations …
individual differences in the size and structure of their knowledge representations …
Prediction in bilingual sentence processing: How prediction differs in a later learned language from a first language
J Schlenter - Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2023 - cambridge.org
This review provides an update on what we know about differences in prediction in a first
and second language after several years of extensive research. It shows when L1/L2 …
and second language after several years of extensive research. It shows when L1/L2 …
Prediction in second language processing and learning: Advances and directions
There is ample evidence that language users, including second language (L2) speakers,
can predict upcoming information during listening and reading. Yet it is still unclear when …
can predict upcoming information during listening and reading. Yet it is still unclear when …
Language follows a distinct mode of extra-genomic evolution
As one of the most specific, yet most diverse of human behaviors, language is shaped by
both genomic and extra-genomic evolution. Sharing methods and models between these …
both genomic and extra-genomic evolution. Sharing methods and models between these …
An agent‐first preference in a patient‐first language during sentence comprehension
The language comprehension system preferentially assumes that agents come first during
incremental processing. While this might reflect a biologically fixed bias, shared with other …
incremental processing. While this might reflect a biologically fixed bias, shared with other …