Enabling active nanotechnologies by phase transition: from electronics, photonics to thermotics
Phase transitions can occur in certain materials such as transition metal oxides (TMOs) and
chalcogenides when there is a change in external conditions such as temperature and …
chalcogenides when there is a change in external conditions such as temperature and …
Giant optical anisotropy in transition metal dichalcogenides for next-generation photonics
Large optical anisotropy observed in a broad spectral range is of paramount importance for
efficient light manipulation in countless devices. Although a giant anisotropy has been …
efficient light manipulation in countless devices. Although a giant anisotropy has been …
Towards compact phase-matched and waveguided nonlinear optics in atomically layered semiconductors
Nonlinear frequency conversion provides essential tools for generating new colors and
quantum states of light. Transition metal dichalcogenides possess huge nonlinear …
quantum states of light. Transition metal dichalcogenides possess huge nonlinear …
Nonlinear exciton‐mie coupling in transition metal dichalcogenide nanoresonators
Thanks to a high refractive index, giant optical anisotropy, and pronounced excitonic
response, bulk transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have recently been discovered to …
response, bulk transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have recently been discovered to …
Collective near-field coupling and nonlocal phenomena in infrared-phononic metasurfaces for nano-light canalization
Polaritons–coupled excitations of photons and dipolar matter excitations–can propagate
along anisotropic metasurfaces with either hyperbolic or elliptical dispersion. At the …
along anisotropic metasurfaces with either hyperbolic or elliptical dispersion. At the …
All van der Waals integrated nanophotonics with bulk transition metal dichalcogenides
Integrated optics is at the heart of a wide range of systems from remote sensing and
communications to computing and quantum information processing. Demand for smaller …
communications to computing and quantum information processing. Demand for smaller …
Manipulating hyperbolic transient plasmons in a layered semiconductor
Anisotropic materials with oppositely signed dielectric tensors support hyperbolic polaritons,
displaying enhanced electromagnetic localization and directional energy flow. However, the …
displaying enhanced electromagnetic localization and directional energy flow. However, the …
Deeply subwavelength integrated excitonic van der Waals nanophotonics
The wave nature of light sets a fundamental diffraction limit that challenges confinement and
control of light in nanoscale structures with dimensions significantly smaller than the …
control of light in nanoscale structures with dimensions significantly smaller than the …
Ultrafast Thermal Switching Enabled by Transient Polaritons
Ultrafast thermal switches are pivotal for managing heat generated in advanced solid-state
applications, including high-speed chiplets, thermo-optical modulators, and on-chip lasers …
applications, including high-speed chiplets, thermo-optical modulators, and on-chip lasers …