Padres y desarrollo de los hijos: prácticas de crianza
MA Ramírez - Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia), 2005 - SciELO Chile
Los padres contribuyen al desarrollo de los hijos relacionándose con ellos y utilizando
estrategias de socialización. Se revisan, por ello, estudios sobre prácticas de crianza …
estrategias de socialización. Se revisan, por ello, estudios sobre prácticas de crianza …
Picture book reading with young children: A conceptual framework
KL Fletcher, E Reese - Developmental review, 2005 - Elsevier
The purpose of this paper is to synthesize research on picture book reading with young
children (ie, children under the age of 3). In this paper, we review cross-sectional …
children (ie, children under the age of 3). In this paper, we review cross-sectional …
Constructing and adapting causal and formative measures of family settings: The HOME Inventory as illustration
RH Bradley - Journal of Family Theory & Review, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Measures of the home environment are frequently used in studies of children's development.
This review provides information on indices composed of causal and formative indicators …
This review provides information on indices composed of causal and formative indicators …
La familia como contexto de desarrollo infantil: dimensiones de análisis relevantes para la intervención educativa y social
A Muñoz Silva - 2005 -
El presente artículo tiene por objeto proponer puntos de actuación para los profesionales
que trabajan en el ámbito de la intervención educativa y social en el contexto familiar. Para …
que trabajan en el ámbito de la intervención educativa y social en el contexto familiar. Para …
Caring for children around the world: A view from HOME
This review examines cultural and socioeconomic variations in parenting as represented by
the original and adapted versions of the HOME Inventory. There was specific focus on three …
the original and adapted versions of the HOME Inventory. There was specific focus on three …
Do regulable features of child-care homes affect children's development?
Data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care were used to assess whether regulable
features of child-care homes affect children's development. Child-care homes selected were …
features of child-care homes affect children's development. Child-care homes selected were …
Conceptual split? Parents' and experts' perceptions of play in the 21st century
Two studies examined US mothers'(N= 1130) and child development professionals'(N= 99)
beliefs about the relationship between play and learning. Study 1 investigated relationships …
beliefs about the relationship between play and learning. Study 1 investigated relationships …
[КНИГА][B] Familia y desarrollo psicológico
EA Freijo, AO Delgado, ÁP Jiménez - 2004 -
La incorporación de otros autores al proyecto original ha enriquecido la información que se
ofrece en este libro y ha ensanchado la panorámica del mismo. Las relaciones familiares en …
ofrece en este libro y ha ensanchado la panorámica del mismo. Las relaciones familiares en …
A cross-national study of self-evaluations and attributions in parenting: Argentina, Belgium, France, Israel, Italy, Japan, and the United States.
MH Bornstein, OM Haynes, H Azuma… - Developmental …, 1998 -
This study investigated and compared ideas about parenting in Argentine, Belgian, French,
Israeli, Italian, Japanese, and US mothers of 20-month-olds. Mothers evaluated their …
Israeli, Italian, Japanese, and US mothers of 20-month-olds. Mothers evaluated their …
[PDF][PDF] La violencia filio-parental: una aproximación a sus claves
C Aroca Montolío - 2010 -
El ordenamiento jurídico español recoge en el Código Penal vigente de 1995 (en adelante
CP) el supuesto de violencia familiar o doméstica, que se caracteriza por la agresión que se …
CP) el supuesto de violencia familiar o doméstica, que se caracteriza por la agresión que se …