Crop domestication and its impact on naturally selected trophic interactions
Crop domestication is the process of artificially selecting plants to increase their suitability to
human requirements: taste, yield, storage, and cultivation practices. There is increasing …
human requirements: taste, yield, storage, and cultivation practices. There is increasing …
Domestication and the evolution of crops: variable syndromes, complex genetic architectures, and ecological entanglements
Domestication can be considered a specialized mutualism in which a domesticator exerts
control over the reproduction or propagation (fitness) of a domesticated species to gain …
control over the reproduction or propagation (fitness) of a domesticated species to gain …
Plant domestication through an ecological lens
Our understanding of domestication comes largely from archeology and genetics. Here, we
advocate using current ecological theory and methodologies to provide novel insights into …
advocate using current ecological theory and methodologies to provide novel insights into …
Domestication impacts on plant–herbivore interactions: a meta-analysis
For millennia, humans have imposed strong selection on domesticated crops, resulting in
drastically altered crop phenotypes compared with wild ancestors. Crop yields have …
drastically altered crop phenotypes compared with wild ancestors. Crop yields have …
Hybridization, missing wild ancestors and the domestication of cultivated diploid bananas
Hybridization and introgressions are important evolutionary forces in plants. They contribute
to the domestication of many species, including understudied clonal crops. Here, we …
to the domestication of many species, including understudied clonal crops. Here, we …
Intentional and unintentional selection during plant domestication: herbivore damage, plant defensive traits and nutritional quality of fruit and seed crops
Greater susceptibility to herbivory can arise as an effect of crop domestication. One
proposed explanation is that defenses decreased intentionally or unintentionally during the …
proposed explanation is that defenses decreased intentionally or unintentionally during the …
Beyond plant microbiome composition: exploiting microbial functions and plant traits via integrated approaches
Plants recruit specific microorganisms to live inside and outside their roots that provide
essential functions for plant growth and health. The study of the microbial communities living …
essential functions for plant growth and health. The study of the microbial communities living …
Social life results in social stress protection: a novel concept to explain individual life‐history patterns in social insects
Resistance to and avoidance of stress slow aging and confer increased longevity in
numerous organisms. Honey bees and other superorganismal social insects have two main …
numerous organisms. Honey bees and other superorganismal social insects have two main …
Induced plant defenses against herbivory in cultivated and wild tomato
Crop domestication and selective breeding have altered plant defense mechanisms,
influencing insect-plant interactions. A reduction in plant resistance/tolerance against …
influencing insect-plant interactions. A reduction in plant resistance/tolerance against …
The eco-evolutionary impacts of domestication and agricultural practices on wild species
Agriculture is a dominant evolutionary force that drives the evolution of both domesticated
and wild species. However, the various mechanisms of agriculture-induced evolution and …
and wild species. However, the various mechanisms of agriculture-induced evolution and …