Taming the beast: a revised classification of Cortinariaceae based on genomic data
Family Cortinariaceae currently includes only one genus, Cortinarius, which is the largest
Agaricales genus, with thousands of species worldwide. The species are important …
Agaricales genus, with thousands of species worldwide. The species are important …
Discovering the role of Patagonian birds in the dispersal of truffles and other mycorrhizal fungi
Dispersal is a key process that impacts population dynamics and structures biotic
communities. Dispersal limitation influences the assembly of plant and microbial …
communities. Dispersal limitation influences the assembly of plant and microbial …
Diversity of Agaricomycetes in southern South America and their bioactive natural products
J Gómez-Espinoza, C Riquelme… - Natural Product …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Fungi have a unique metabolic plasticity allowing them to produce a wide range of natural
products. Since the discovery of penicillin, an antibiotic of fungal origin, substantial efforts …
products. Since the discovery of penicillin, an antibiotic of fungal origin, substantial efforts …
Seasonal consumption of mycorrhizal fungi by a marsupial-dominated mammal community
The temperate forests of Australia support a high diversity of hypogeous fungi and a wide
variety of mycophagous mammals, yet many mammal-fungal relationships are still poorly …
variety of mycophagous mammals, yet many mammal-fungal relationships are still poorly …
Cortinarius subgenus Vibratiles (Agaricales), a new myxacioid taxon of global scope
A major fungal lineage of myxacioid taxa is centred around Cortinarius vibratilis. This
lineage is shown by morphological and multigene molecular phylogenetic analyses of the …
lineage is shown by morphological and multigene molecular phylogenetic analyses of the …
Cortinarius steglichii: a taxonomical and chemical novelty from Chile
The new species Cortinarius steglichii is described from Chilean Nothofagu s forest based
on morphological and microscopical attributes, molecular phylogeny, and chemical analysis …
on morphological and microscopical attributes, molecular phylogeny, and chemical analysis …
The genus Thaxterogaster (Cortinariaceae): phylogeny and species diversity in Western China
ZR Wang, SY Zhou, FF Liu, ZL Yang - Mycology, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
Thaxterogaster is the second largest genus within the family Cortinariaceae, comprising
nearly two hundred species worldwide. However, the diversity of the genus in China …
nearly two hundred species worldwide. However, the diversity of the genus in China …
The fungal rat race: mycophagy among rodent communities in eastern Australia
Context Rodents in many parts of the world perform an important ecosystem function as
dispersers of mycorrhizal fungal spores. These fungi are vital to nutrient uptake in plant …
dispersers of mycorrhizal fungal spores. These fungi are vital to nutrient uptake in plant …
Two new species of Phaeohelotium (Leotiomycetes: Helotiaceae) from Chile and their putative ectomycorrhizal status
Species of the genus Phaeohelotium (Leotiomycetes: Helotiaceae) are cup fungi that grow
on decaying wood, leaves, litter, and directly on soil. Northern Hemisphere species are …
on decaying wood, leaves, litter, and directly on soil. Northern Hemisphere species are …
Fungal consumption by marsupials in southern Tasmania
K Elliott, MM Driessen, K Vernes… - Pacific Conservation …, 2025 - CSIRO Publishing
In Australia, many mycophagous (fungus feeding) mammals that disperse fungal spores are
extinct or threatened throughout much of their historic range. Using live-trap**, we …
extinct or threatened throughout much of their historic range. Using live-trap**, we …