The value of values for institutional analysis
Although values were once the central focus of institutional scholarship, they occupy a
marginal position in the contemporary literature. Viewing this situation as both a significant …
marginal position in the contemporary literature. Viewing this situation as both a significant …
Moral elevation and moral beauty: A review of the empirical literature
Moral elevation is defined as the emotional response to witnessing acts of moral beauty.
Studies have found that elevation entails pleasant feelings of warmth in the chest, feeling …
Studies have found that elevation entails pleasant feelings of warmth in the chest, feeling …
Prevention for oneself or others? Psychological and social factors that explain social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Identifying the underlying psychological and social factors of social distancing is crucial to
foster preventive behavior during a pandemic effectively. We investigated the relative …
foster preventive behavior during a pandemic effectively. We investigated the relative …
A social-cognitive approach to understanding gender differences in negotiator ethics: The role of moral identity
To date, gender differences in ethics have received little theoretical attention. We utilize a
social-cognitive framework to explain why these differences emerge and when women …
social-cognitive framework to explain why these differences emerge and when women …
Effect of service transgressions on distant third-party customers: The role of moral identity and moral judgment
Abstract Service failure studies have paid little attention to the role of the other customers or
bystanders present in a service setting. Using a mixed method approach, the current study …
bystanders present in a service setting. Using a mixed method approach, the current study …
Moral improvement of self, social relations, and society
There is always room for moral improvement. However, very few prior reviews have focused
on the phenomenon of moral improvement of self, social relations, or society. We first …
on the phenomenon of moral improvement of self, social relations, or society. We first …
Religiosity predicts the delegation of decisions between moral and self-serving immoral outcomes
Studies support an association between religious belief and prosocial behavior. Such
religious prosociality has been attributed to fear of supernatural punishment and enhanced …
religious prosociality has been attributed to fear of supernatural punishment and enhanced …
When moral identity undermines moral behavior: An integrative framework
While research bore out a reliable relationship between moral identity and moral behavior, it
has not addressed potential undermining effects of moral identity on moral behavior. This …
has not addressed potential undermining effects of moral identity on moral behavior. This …
How can ethical brands respond to service failures? Understanding how moral identity motivates compensation preferences through self-consistency and social …
We examine how the two dimensions of moral identity-internalization and symbolization-
impact on customers' relationships with ethical brands, as well as their satisfaction with …
impact on customers' relationships with ethical brands, as well as their satisfaction with …
When and how knowledge hiding motivates perpetrators' organizational citizenship behavior
Research on knowledge hiding has largely focused on its antecedents while overlooking its
consequences. Drawing on moral cleansing theory, we adopt a “perpetrator-centric view” …
consequences. Drawing on moral cleansing theory, we adopt a “perpetrator-centric view” …