Mechanical design and analysis of eco-print textile pounding machine

RR Reflin, SH Chang, K Saptaji… - ASEAN …, 2023 -
This study presents the design and analysis of an automated eco-print textile pounding
machine to reduce labor intensity and preserve artistic aspects. The machine offers an …

Plasma Functionalization for Enhanced Natural Dye Affinity on Bioplastics: A Novel Approach

FL Syibyan, D Siswanta, B Pidhatika… - Plasma Processes …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Bioplastics offer biodegradability and reduced environmental impact but often use
nondegradable synthetic dyes. This study introduces a novel application of glow discharge …

GLCM and PSNR Analysis of Woven Fabric Images Made from Natural Dyes Due to Sunlight Exposure

P Batarius, AJ Santoso, AAJ Sinlae - JOIV: International Journal on …, 2024 -
Traditional woven fabrics generally use natural dyes that come from the local area. Natural
dyes are often considered low quality if exposed to sunlight. This study aims to analyze the …

Chi-Square Histogram Analysis of Woven Fabric Images Made from Natural Dyes Due to Exposure to Sunlight

P Batarius, AAJ Sinlae - INSYST: Journal of Intelligent System and …, 2024 -
This research aims to conduct a Chi-square analysis on the histogram of woven fabric
images dyed with natural dyes following exposure to sunlight. Woven fabrics dyed with …

Evaluation of the physical characteristics of Beta vulgaris and Intsia bijuga aqueous and methanolic extracts in comparison to haematoxylin stain

N Mohamad, F Salim, MN Abu - Healthscope: The Official …, 2023 -
The haematoxylin stain is universally recognised as pathology's gold-standard nuclear
staining. This study evaluated and compared the pH value, and colour concentration of …

Optimasi Proses Ekstraksi Dan Uji Aplikasi Pewarnaan Kain Menggunakan Pewarna Alami Dari Daun Susupan Gunung (Mimosa pigra L.)

A Zahra, A Mindaryani… - PROSIDING …, 2024 -
Tanaman susupan gunung (Mimosa pigra L.) merupakan tanaman gulma yang tumbuh
secara liar dan sering ditemukan di lahan gambut. Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh di kawasan …

Penentuan Kondisi Operasi Optimum Proses Ekstraksi Zat Warna Alami Dari Daun Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum) Serta Penentuan Jenis Dan Konsentrasi …

EEK Wardani, E Rahayuningsih… - PROSIDING …, 2024 -
Tumbuhan Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum) merupakan tanaman liar yang mudah
ditemukan pada semak. Tanaman ini memiliki potensi sebagai sumber pewarna alami …