Towards the identification of new physics through quark flavour violating processes
AJ Buras, J Girrbach - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2014 -
We outline a systematic strategy that should help in this decade to identify new physics (NP)
beyond the standard model (SM) by means of quark flavour violating processes, and thereby …
beyond the standard model (SM) by means of quark flavour violating processes, and thereby …
Family nonuniversal models with protected flavor-changing interactions
We define a new class of Z′ models with neutral flavor-changing interactions at tree level in
the down-quark sector. They are related in an exact way to elements of the quark mixing …
the down-quark sector. They are related in an exact way to elements of the quark mixing …
Left-handed Z′ and Z FCNC quark couplings facing new b→ sμ+ μ− data
AJ Buras, J Girrbach - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 - Springer
A bstract In view of the recent improved data on B s, d→ μ+ μ− and B d→ K* μ+ μ− we revisit
two simple New Physics (NP) scenarios analyzed by us last year in which new FCNC …
two simple New Physics (NP) scenarios analyzed by us last year in which new FCNC …
Probing new physics with the B s→ μ+ μ− time-dependent rate
AJ Buras, R Fleischer, J Girrbach… - Journal of High Energy …, 2013 - Springer
A bstract The B s→ μ+ μ− decay plays an outstanding role in tests of the Standard Model
and physics beyond it. The LHCb collaboration has recently reported the first evidence for …
and physics beyond it. The LHCb collaboration has recently reported the first evidence for …
B s→ μ+ μ− as current and future probe of new physics
W Altmannshofer, C Niehoff, DM Straub - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 - Springer
A bstract The rare flavour-changing neutral current decay B s→ μ+ μ− is among the most
important indirect probes of new physics at the LHC, as it is strongly suppressed in the …
important indirect probes of new physics at the LHC, as it is strongly suppressed in the …
Exploring constraints on Simplified Dark Matter model through flavour and electroweak observables
L Kolay, S Nandi - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024 - Springer
A bstract This study focuses on a combined analysis of various available inputs to constrain
the parameter spaces of a simplified dark matter (SDM) model featuring a spin-0 mediator …
the parameter spaces of a simplified dark matter (SDM) model featuring a spin-0 mediator …
New vector-like fermions and flavor physics
A bstract We study renormalizable extensions of the standard model that contain vector-like
fermions in a (single) complex representation of the standard model gauge group. There are …
fermions in a (single) complex representation of the standard model gauge group. There are …
On the importance of rare kaon decays: A Snowmass 2021 White Paper
J Aebischer, AJ Buras, J Kumar - arxiv preprint arxiv:2203.09524, 2022 -
We stress the importance of precise measurements of rare decays $ K^+\rightarrow\pi^+\nu\
bar\nu $, $ K_L\rightarrow\pi^ 0\nu\bar\nu $, $ K_ {L, S}\to\mu^+\mu^-$ and $ K_ {L, S}\to\pi …
bar\nu $, $ K_L\rightarrow\pi^ 0\nu\bar\nu $, $ K_ {L, S}\to\mu^+\mu^-$ and $ K_ {L, S}\to\pi …
Hunting the flavon
M Bauer, T Schell, T Plehn - Physical Review D, 2016 - APS
The next generation of experiments in particle physics will for the first time systematically test
flavor physics models based on flavon fields. Starting from the current quark-flavor …
flavor physics models based on flavon fields. Starting from the current quark-flavor …
Can we reach the Zeptouniverse with rare K and B s, d decays?
AJ Buras, D Buttazzo, J Girrbach-Noe… - Journal of High Energy …, 2014 - Springer
A bstract The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will directly probe distance scales as short as
10− 19 m, corresponding to energy scales at the level of a few TeV. In order to reach even …
10− 19 m, corresponding to energy scales at the level of a few TeV. In order to reach even …