The malevolent side of human nature: A meta-analysis and critical review of the literature on the dark triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy)
The term dark triad refers to the constellation of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and
psychopathy. Over the past few years, the concept has gained momentum, with many …
psychopathy. Over the past few years, the concept has gained momentum, with many …
Toward a taxonomy of dark personalities
DL Paulhus - Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
The term dark personalities refers to a set of socially aversive traits in the subclinical range.
Not extreme enough to invite clinical or forensic attention, they can get along (even flourish) …
Not extreme enough to invite clinical or forensic attention, they can get along (even flourish) …
Uses and gratifications of problematic social media use among university students: A simultaneous examination of the Big Five of personality traits, social media …
Recent studies suggest that users' preferences of social media use differ according to their
individual differences and use motives, and that these factors can lead to problematic social …
individual differences and use motives, and that these factors can lead to problematic social …
The dark core of personality.
Many negatively connoted personality traits (often termed “dark traits”) have been introduced
to account for ethically, morally, and socially questionable behavior. Herein, we provide a …
to account for ethically, morally, and socially questionable behavior. Herein, we provide a …
Impacts of leadership style, organizational design and HRM practices on knowledge hiding: The indirect roles of organizational justice and competitive work …
In this paper, we investigate how Leadership Style, Organizational Design, and HRM
practices influence Knowledge Hiding. Organizational Justice and Competitive Work …
practices influence Knowledge Hiding. Organizational Justice and Competitive Work …
The light vs. dark triad of personality: Contrasting two very different profiles of human nature
While there is a growing literature on “dark traits”(ie, socially aversive traits), there has been
a lack of integration with the burgeoning research literature on positive traits and fulfilling …
a lack of integration with the burgeoning research literature on positive traits and fulfilling …
The “why” and “how” of narcissism: A process model of narcissistic status pursuit
We propose a self-regulation model of grandiose narcissism. This model illustrates an
interconnected set of processes through which narcissists (ie, individuals with relatively high …
interconnected set of processes through which narcissists (ie, individuals with relatively high …
Narcissistic admiration and rivalry: disentangling the bright and dark sides of narcissism.
We present a process model that distinguishes 2 dimensions of narcissism: admiration and
rivalry. We propose that narcissists' overarching goal of maintaining a grandiose self is …
rivalry. We propose that narcissists' overarching goal of maintaining a grandiose self is …
The Dark Triad and trait self-objectification as predictors of men's use and self-presentation behaviors on social networking sites
An online survey of a nationally representative sample of US men aged 18–40 assessed
trait predictors of social networking site use as well as two forms of visual self-presentation …
trait predictors of social networking site use as well as two forms of visual self-presentation …
The Dark Triad of personality: A 10 year review
A Furnham, SC Richards… - Social and personality …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Ten years ago Paulhus and Williams (2002) called attention to the 'Dark Triad', a
constellation of three conceptually distinct but empirically overlap** personality variables …
constellation of three conceptually distinct but empirically overlap** personality variables …