Physiologic and pathologic changes of platelets in pregnancy
MC Valera, O Parant, C Vayssiere, JF Arnal… - Platelets, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Platelets are key players in haemostasis and thrombus formation. Defects affecting platelets
during pregnancy can lead to heterogeneous complications, such as thrombosis, first …
during pregnancy can lead to heterogeneous complications, such as thrombosis, first …
Platelets, coagulation, and the liver
Publisher Summary Platelets play an important role in hemostasis and clot formation.
Various stimuli, including collagen, thrombin, serotonin, epinephrine, and adenosine …
Various stimuli, including collagen, thrombin, serotonin, epinephrine, and adenosine …
Classic and global hemostasis testing in pregnancy and during pregnancy complications
FI Ataullakhanov, EM Koltsova… - … in Thrombosis and …, 2016 - thieme-connect.com
Pregnancy is associated with a significant procoagulant shift in the hemostatic system
balance as well as other metabolic changes. Pregnancy can thereby provoke manifestation …
balance as well as other metabolic changes. Pregnancy can thereby provoke manifestation …
Platelets, coagulation, and the liver
This chapter reviews platelets and their function and the coagulation system during normal
pregnancy as well as with the preeclampsia syndrome. In addition, the central role of the …
pregnancy as well as with the preeclampsia syndrome. In addition, the central role of the …
Platelet adhesion and thrombus formation in whole blood at arterial shear rate at the end of pregnancy
MC Valéra, O Parant, C Cenac… - American Journal of …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Problem Platelet reactivity has not been evaluated in integrated functional testing during
normal pregnancy. Here, we analysed platelet functions under arterial shear rate in …
normal pregnancy. Here, we analysed platelet functions under arterial shear rate in …
Фактор Виллебранда-как маркер эндотелиальной дисфункции у беременных женщин с гестозом и родившихся у них новорожденных
НИ Фадеева, АВ Суворова… - Байкальский …, 2001 - cyberleninka.ru
Показаны ценность определения уровня фактора Виллебранда (ФВ) в плазме как
маркера эндотелиальной дисфункции у беременных женщин и новорожденных, а …
маркера эндотелиальной дисфункции у беременных женщин и новорожденных, а …
Хемилюминесценция тромбоцитов. Использование метода хемилюминесценции для определения активности тромбоцитов
ЛВ Кривохижина, СА Кантюков… - … науки.–2013.–№ 6, 2013 - elib.utmn.ru
Тромбоциты как в интактном, так и в активированном состоянии способны
генерировать активные формы кислорода (АФК). Доказано производство АФК …
генерировать активные формы кислорода (АФК). Доказано производство АФК …
Association of whole blood aggregation response with immunogold-labeled glycoproteins in adult and neonatal platelets
KL Saving, P Mankin, J Maragos, D Adams… - Thrombosis research, 2001 - Elsevier
A growing body of recent data has provided specifics about the hemostatic system in infants,
emphasizing differences from adults. Although platelet structure in newborns and adults …
emphasizing differences from adults. Although platelet structure in newborns and adults …
Platelets, coagulation, and the liver
The complex relationships among platelet function, coagulation, and hepatic
pathophysiology in pregnancy were recognized since the time of Leon Chesley's first edition …
pathophysiology in pregnancy were recognized since the time of Leon Chesley's first edition …
Platelet reactivity in vitro in relation to thromboxane in healthy pregnancy
There is substantial evidence of increased platelet reactivity in vivo and in vitro during
pregnancy. Previous in vitro studies suggest that platelets from pregnant women show …
pregnancy. Previous in vitro studies suggest that platelets from pregnant women show …