Optimal number of cluster heads in wireless sensors networks based on LEACH

G Samara, M Al-okour - arxiv preprint arxiv:2003.13765, 2020 - arxiv.org
The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been one of the leading research fields of wireless
networks, particularly in recent year. Sensors are randomly positioned in the region, every …

Replication and resubmission based adaptive decision for fault tolerance in real time cloud computing: A new approach

PK Patra, H Singh, R Singh, S Das, N Dey… - International Journal of …, 2016 - igi-global.com
Cloud computing an adoptable technology is the upshot evolution of on demand service in
the computing epitome of immense scale distributed computing. With the raising asks and …

Energy consumption profiles of wireless sensor nodes in smart cities using CupCarbon (V 5.0) simulator

H Prabhakar, A Furqan - International Journal of …, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
In the development of smart cities, smart devices are integrated with sensors and embedded
systems to provide innovative services which enhance the internet of things (IoT); also, the …

A Study on Energy Efficiency for Cluster-based Routing protocol

WS Lee, TW Ahn, CY Song - Journal of the institute of Electronics …, 2016 - koreascience.kr
To establish the equitable distribution of total energy load, a representative cluster based
routing protocol LEACH selects cluster heads randomly in accordance with the pre …

[PDF][PDF] A Scheduling Method Along with the General Consensus Estimation for Coverage Optimization in the Wireless Sensor Networks

S Dehghani, SS Chaharborj, MZ Arokhlo - researchgate.net
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of many small devices called sensor nodes that
work together to perform specific task (s). Wireless sensor networks have unique features …

[PDF][PDF] Using Consensus Estimate Technique Aimed To Reducing Energy Consumption and Coverage Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks

S Dehghani, SS Chaharborj, MZ Arokhlo - IJCSNS, 2016 - researchgate.net
Abstract Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is composed of hundreds or thousands of small
devices called sensor nodes that interact with each other to perform certain task or tasks. A …

클러스터 기반 라우팅 프로토콜의 에너지 효율성에 관한 연구

이원석, 안태원, 송창영 - 전자공학회논문지, 2016 - dbpia.co.kr
클러스터 기반 라우팅 프로토콜로 대표적인 LEACH 는 에너지 부하의 공평한 분배를 위해 매
라운드 미리 정해진 확률에 따라 랜덤하게 클러스터 헤드를 선출한다. 하지만 센서 노드가 갖는 …

[SITAATTI][C] Enhanced LEACH Protocol based Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Network

A Krishnakumar, V Anuratha - International Journal of Computer …, 2016 - LJS Publishing