Apparatus for encoding a speech signal employing ACELP in the autocorrelation domain

T Baeckstroem, M Multrus, G Fuchs… - US Patent …, 2024 - Google Patents
An apparatus for encoding a speech signal by determining a codebook vector of a speech
coding algorithm is provided. The apparatus includes a matrix determiner for determining an …

Concept for encoding of information

T Baeckstroem, CF PEDERSEN, J Fischer… - US Patent …, 2023 - Google Patents
US11640827B2 - Concept for encoding of information - Google Patents US11640827B2 -
Concept for encoding of information - Google Patents Concept for encoding of information …

Linear prediction coefficient conversion device and linear prediction coefficient conversion method

N Naka, V Ruoppila - US Patent 11,222,644, 2022 - Google Patents
US11222644B2 - Linear prediction coefficient conversion device and linear prediction
coefficient conversion method - Google Patents US11222644B2 - Linear prediction …

Methods for creating and distributing art-directable continuous dynamic range video

A Smolic, A Chapiro, S Croci, TO Aydin… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
Novel systems and methods are described for creating, compressing, and distributing video
or image content graded for a plurality of displays with different dynamic ranges. In …

Apparatus for encoding a speech signal employing ACELP in the autocorrelation domain

T Baeckstroem, M Multrus, G Fuchs… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
An apparatus for encoding a speech signal by determining a codebook vector of a speech
coding algorithm is provided. The apparatus includes a matrix determiner for determining an …

Antenna diversity schemes

S Park, Y Huang, W Zeng, R Wang, H Xu… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
Certain aspects of the present disclosure relate to methods and apparatus for implementing
one or more antenna diver sity schemes using communications systems operating …