Policies of exclusion: implications for the health of immigrants and their children
Public policies play a crucial role in sha** how immigrants adapt to life in the United
States. Federal, state, and local laws and administrative practices impact immigrants' access …
States. Federal, state, and local laws and administrative practices impact immigrants' access …
Betwixt and between identities: Liminal experience in contemporary careers
Liminality, defined as a state of being betwixt and between social roles and/or identities, is
the hallmark of an increasingly precarious and fluctuating career landscape. The generative …
the hallmark of an increasingly precarious and fluctuating career landscape. The generative …
An integrative risk and resilience model for understanding the adaptation of immigrant-origin children and youth.
We propose an integrative model for the adaptation of immigrant-origin children and youth
that combines ecological with risk and resilience frameworks. Immigrant-origin children and …
that combines ecological with risk and resilience frameworks. Immigrant-origin children and …
[Књига][B] Waiting and the temporalities of irregular migration
" This edited volume approaches waiting both as a social phenomenon that proliferates in
irregularised forms of migration and as an analytical perspective on migration processes …
irregularised forms of migration and as an analytical perspective on migration processes …
[Књига][B] Lives in limbo: Undocumented and coming of age in America
RG Gonzales - 2016 - books.google.com
“My world seems upside down. I have grown up but I feel like I'm moving backward. And I
can't do anything about it.”–Esperanza Over two million of the nation's eleven million …
can't do anything about it.”–Esperanza Over two million of the nation's eleven million …
[Књига][B] The crimmigrant other: Migration and penal power
K Franko - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Western societies are immersed in debates about immigration and illegality. This book
examines these processes and outlines how the figure of the" crimmigrant other" has …
examines these processes and outlines how the figure of the" crimmigrant other" has …
[HTML][HTML] An ecological expansion of the adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) framework to include threat and deprivation associated with US immigration policies …
Abstract The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) framework has contributed to
advances in developmental science by examining the interdependent and cumulative …
advances in developmental science by examining the interdependent and cumulative …
Who are the “illegals”? The social construction of illegality in the United States
Immigration scholars have increasingly questioned the idea that “illegality” is a fixed,
inherent condition. Instead, the new consensus is that immigration laws produce “illegality.” …
inherent condition. Instead, the new consensus is that immigration laws produce “illegality.” …
State categories, bureaucracies of displacement, and possibilities from the margins
C Menjívar - Estudios sociológicos, 2024 - scielo.org.mx
Categorías estatales, burocracias del desplazamiento y posibilidades desde los márgenes
State Categories, Bureaucracies of Dis Page 1 1 Volumen 42, 2024, pp. 1-32 | Publicado …
State Categories, Bureaucracies of Dis Page 1 1 Volumen 42, 2024, pp. 1-32 | Publicado …
Legal violence: Immigration law and the lives of Central American immigrants
This article analyzes how Central American immigrants in tenuous legal statuses experience
current immigration laws. Based on ethnographic observations and over 200 interviews …
current immigration laws. Based on ethnographic observations and over 200 interviews …