[HTML][HTML] Inorganic geochemistry of lake sediments: A review of analytical techniques and guidelines for data interpretation
Inorganic geochemistry is a powerful tool in paleolimnology. It has become one of the most
commonly used techniques to analyze lake sediments, particularly due to the development …
commonly used techniques to analyze lake sediments, particularly due to the development …
[HTML][HTML] A review of event deposits in lake sediments
Event deposits in lake sediments provide invaluable chronicles of geodynamic and climatic
natural hazards on multi-millennial timescales. Sediment archives are particularly useful for …
natural hazards on multi-millennial timescales. Sediment archives are particularly useful for …
Environmental DNA time series in ecology
Ecological communities change in time and space, but long-term dynamics at the century-to-
millennia scale are poorly documented due to lack of relevant data sets. Nevertheless …
millennia scale are poorly documented due to lack of relevant data sets. Nevertheless …
Impact of warmer climate periods on flood hazard in the European Alps
Flooding is a pervasive natural hazard—costly in both human and economic terms—and
climate change will probably exacerbate risks around the world. Mountainous areas, such …
climate change will probably exacerbate risks around the world. Mountainous areas, such …
Scientists' warning of the impacts of climate change on mountains
J Knight - PeerJ, 2022 - peerj.com
Mountains are highly diverse in areal extent, geological and climatic context, ecosystems
and human activity. As such, mountain environments worldwide are particularly sensitive to …
and human activity. As such, mountain environments worldwide are particularly sensitive to …
Interpreting historical, botanical, and geological evidence to aid preparations for future floods
River flooding is among the most destructive of natural hazards globally, causing
widespread loss of life, damage to infrastructure and economic deprivation. Societies are …
widespread loss of life, damage to infrastructure and economic deprivation. Societies are …
Human and climate global-scale imprint on sediment transfer during the Holocene
Accelerated soil erosion has become a pervasive feature on landscapes around the world
and is recognized to have substantial implications for land productivity, downstream water …
and is recognized to have substantial implications for land productivity, downstream water …
Human-triggered magnification of erosion rates in European Alps since the Bronze Age
A major feature of the Anthropocene is the drastic increase in global soil erosion. Soil
erosion is threatening Earth habitability not only as soils are an essential component of the …
erosion is threatening Earth habitability not only as soils are an essential component of the …
Deciphering long‐term records of natural variability and human impact as recorded in lake sediments: a palaeolimnological puzzle
Global aquatic ecosystems are under increasing threat from anthropogenic activity, as well
as being exposed to past (and projected) climate change, however, the nature of how …
as being exposed to past (and projected) climate change, however, the nature of how …
Late Holocene land use evolution and vegetation response to climate change in the watershed of **ngyun Lake, SW China
Abstract Knowledge of the past interactions between climate and human land use is
essential for understanding the possible future relationships between global change and …
essential for understanding the possible future relationships between global change and …