[HTML][HTML] Effectiveness of cognitive interventions in older adults: A review
(1) Introduction: With older adults, cognitive intervention programs are most often used for
preventing or reversing a decline in cognitive functions, but it has been recently noted that …
preventing or reversing a decline in cognitive functions, but it has been recently noted that …
Strategy and core cognitive training effects on working memory performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis
S Ben Izhak, M Lavidor - Journal of Cognition and Development, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The field of cognitive training (CT) has been researched for over a century. However, there is
still a debate regarding its ability to produce cognitive improvement, especially in working …
still a debate regarding its ability to produce cognitive improvement, especially in working …
Caregiver training: Evidence of its effectiveness for cognitive and functional improvement in older adults
Aims and objectives The objectives of this study were to assess the benefits of a caregiver
training programme on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, and to compare …
training programme on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, and to compare …
Effects of environmental enrichment and training across life span in cognition.
MD Calero - 2019 - psycnet.apa.org
Research on the influence of environmental enrichment on cognitive status and cognitive
plasticity in older people has consistently shown how this enrichment throughout an …
plasticity in older people has consistently shown how this enrichment throughout an …
Increasing autonomy through improved care: effects of a professional care-giver training programme on the functional status of older adults
The aim of the present research was to evaluate the effectiveness of a care-giver training
programme that trains professional care-givers in cognitive stimulation strategies for …
programme that trains professional care-givers in cognitive stimulation strategies for …
[KNIHA][B] A multiple regression analysis of locus of control and psychological flexibility regarding the total mental well-being of Muslims
HA Binzaqr - 2017 - search.proquest.com
This study was designed to investigate the relationships between mental health,
psychological flexibility, and locus of control within the Muslim population, and how these …
psychological flexibility, and locus of control within the Muslim population, and how these …
STPW GrUPI - academia.edu
Na świecie stopniowo wzrasta liczba osób dożywających sędziwego wieku. Jednocześnie
wraz z wiekiem ulega pogorszeniu szereg procesów poznawczych, takich jak: pamięć …
wraz z wiekiem ulega pogorszeniu szereg procesów poznawczych, takich jak: pamięć …
Caregiver training: Evidence of its effectiveness for cognitive and functional improvement in older adults
E Navarro González, MD Calero García… - 2023 - digibug.ugr.es
Aims and objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the benefits of a car-egiver
training programme on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, and to compare …
training programme on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, and to compare …
Incremento de la autonomía y del funcionamiento cognitivo en personas mayores dependientes mediante la formación de cuidadores
M Sanjuán Gómez - 2021 - digibug.ugr.es
El envejecimiento poblacional y el incremento de la dependencia asociado al mismo hacen
que, en los últimos años, se estén realizando grandes esfuerzos para desarrollar …
que, en los últimos años, se estén realizando grandes esfuerzos para desarrollar …
Increasing autonomy through improved care: effects of a professional care-giver training programme on the functional status of older adults
E Navarro González, M Sanjuán Gómez… - 2021 - digibug.ugr.es
The aim of the present research was to evaluate the effectiveness of a care-giver training
programme that trains professional care-givers in cognitive stimulation strategies for …
programme that trains professional care-givers in cognitive stimulation strategies for …