Machine learning-enabled computer vision for plant phenoty**: a primer on AI/ML and a case study on stomatal patterning
Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) can be used to automatically analyze
large image datasets. One valuable application of this approach is estimation of plant trait …
large image datasets. One valuable application of this approach is estimation of plant trait …
Cotton breeding in Australia: meeting the challenges of the 21st century
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) cotton
breeding program is the sole breeding effort for cotton in Australia, develo** high …
breeding program is the sole breeding effort for cotton in Australia, develo** high …
Machine learning-enabled phenoty** for GWAS and TWAS of WUE traits in 869 field-grown sorghum accessions
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is a model C4 crop made experimentally tractable by extensive
genomic and genetic resources. Biomass sorghum is studied as a feedstock for biofuel and …
genomic and genetic resources. Biomass sorghum is studied as a feedstock for biofuel and …
Automated plant species identification from the stomata images using deep neural network: A study of selected mangrove and freshwater swamp forest tree species of …
Stomatal traits of leaves are critical for regulating the exchange of gases between plant
tissues and the atmosphere, and thus play a crucial role in the physiological activities of …
tissues and the atmosphere, and thus play a crucial role in the physiological activities of …
Optical topometry and machine learning to rapidly phenotype stomatal patterning traits for maize QTL map**
J ** and deep learning concur on genetic control of stomatal density and area in sorghum
Stomatal density (SD) and stomatal complex area (SCA) are important traits that regulate
gas exchange and abiotic stress response in plants. Despite sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) …
gas exchange and abiotic stress response in plants. Despite sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) …
Co** with extremes: Responses of Quercus robur L. and Fagus sylvatica L. to soil drought and elevated vapour pressure deficit
Climate change, particularly droughts and heat waves, significantly impacts global
photosynthesis and forest ecosystem sustainability. To understand how trees respond to and …
photosynthesis and forest ecosystem sustainability. To understand how trees respond to and …