Dynamic event-triggered boundary control for exponential consensus of multi-agent systems of impulsive PDEs with switching topology
X Wang, H Wu, J Cao, X Li - Information Sciences, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper is concerned with the exponential consensus issue for multi-agent systems
(MASs) of impulsive partial differential equations (PDEs) with switching topology. A new …
(MASs) of impulsive partial differential equations (PDEs) with switching topology. A new …
Hyperchaos, extreme multistability, and hidden attractors in the novel complex nonlinear system and its adaptive hybrid synchronization
M **, K Sun, H Wang - Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022 - Springer
In this paper, a novel hyperchaotic complex nonlinear system is proposed by introducing a
simple linear feedback controller and a complex constant to the complex simplified Lorenz …
simple linear feedback controller and a complex constant to the complex simplified Lorenz …
Secure communication with chaos and electronic circuit design using passivity-based synchronization
This work deals with the passive control-based chaos synchronization with circuit design for
secure communication. First, the numerical simulation and electronic circuit design of a …
secure communication. First, the numerical simulation and electronic circuit design of a …
Qualitative study and adaptive control of a novel 4-D hyperchaotic system with three quadratic nonlinearities
In this work, we announce an eleven-term novel 4-D hyperchaotic system with three
quadratic nonlinearities. The phase portraits of the eleven-term novel hyperchaotic system …
quadratic nonlinearities. The phase portraits of the eleven-term novel hyperchaotic system …
Synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems via complete-adaptive-impulsive controls
XF Li, YD Chu, AYT Leung, H Zhang - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2017 - Elsevier
The paper presents a novel synchronization scheme for uncertain chaotic systems via
complete-adaptive-impulsive controls. The controllers are designed in the form of linear …
complete-adaptive-impulsive controls. The controllers are designed in the form of linear …
Analysis, synchronization, and robotic application of a modified hyperjerk chaotic system
In this work, a novel hyperjerk system, with hyperbolic sine function as the only nonlinear
term, is proposed, as a modification of a hyperjerk system proposed by Leutcho et al. First, a …
term, is proposed, as a modification of a hyperjerk system proposed by Leutcho et al. First, a …
Consensus for non‐linear multi‐agent systems modelled by PDEs based on spatial boundary communication
There is spatio‐temporal nature for many multi‐agent systems such as infight hose‐and‐
drogue aerial refuelling systems. To deal with consensus control of such cases, this study …
drogue aerial refuelling systems. To deal with consensus control of such cases, this study …
Dynamics and synchronization of the complex simplified Lorenz system
M **, K Sun, H Wang - Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021 - Springer
In this paper, the complex simplified Lorenz system is proposed. It is the complex extension
of the simplified Lorenz system. Dynamics of the proposed system is investigated by …
of the simplified Lorenz system. Dynamics of the proposed system is investigated by …
Complex dynamical behaviors of a novel exponential hyper–chaotic system and its application in fast synchronization and color image encryption
This paper proposes a novel exponential hyper–chaotic system with complex dynamic
behaviors. It also analyzes the chaotic attractor, bifurcation diagram, equilibrium points …
behaviors. It also analyzes the chaotic attractor, bifurcation diagram, equilibrium points …
A new approach for constrained chaos synchronization with application to secure data communication
In this paper, a new technique is introduced for chaos secure data communication. In this
approach, in addition to the usually used techniques for data encryption, the concept of …
approach, in addition to the usually used techniques for data encryption, the concept of …