Optical spectra of supernovae

AV Filippenko - Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1997 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract The temporal evolution of the optical spectra of various types of supernovae (SNe)
is illustrated, in part to aid observers classifying supernova candidates. Type II SNe are …

Observed and physical properties of core-collapse supernovae

M Hamuy - The Astrophysical Journal, 2003 - iopscience.iop.org
ABSTRACT I use photometry and spectroscopy data for 24 Type II plateau supernovae (SNe
IIP) to examine their observed and physical properties. This data set shows that these …

UBVRIz light curves of 51 type II supernovae

L Galbany, M Hamuy, MM Phillips… - The Astronomical …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
We present a compilation of UBVRIz light curves of 51 type II supernovae discovered during
the course of four different surveys during 1986–2003: the Cerro Tololo Supernova Survey …

[HTML][HTML] The'Seyfert 1'optical spectra of the type II supernovae 1987F and 1988I

AV Filippenko - Astronomical Journal (ISSN 0004-6256), vol. 97 …, 1989 - adsabs.harvard.edu
The 'Seyfert 1' optical spectra of the type II supernovae 1987F and 1988I ADS Classic is now
deprecated. It will be completely retired in October 2019. This page will automatically redirect to …

The iron yield of normal Type II supernovae

Ó Rodríguez, N Meza, J Pineda-García… - Monthly Notices of the …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
We present 56Ni mass estimates for 110 normal Type II supernovae (SNe II), computed here
from their luminosity in the radioactive tail. This sample consists of SNe from the literature …

PTF 10fqs: a luminous Red Nova in the spiral galaxy Messier 99

MM Kasliwal, SR Kulkarni, I Arcavi… - The Astrophysical …, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
ABSTRACT The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) is systematically charting the optical
transient and variable sky. A primary science driver of PTF is building a complete inventory …

On the early spectroscopic distinction of type II supernovae

EM Schlegel - Astronomical Journal v. 111, p. 1660, 1996 - adsabs.harvard.edu
This paper considers the possible spectroscopic differences between two subtypes of Type II
supernovae (those supernovae with hydrogen in their spectra): the Linears (II-L), which …

The Study of a Type IIb Supernova: SN1996cb

Y Qiu, W Li, Q Qiao, J Hu - The Astronomical Journal, 1999 - iopscience.iop.org
We present spectroscopic and photometric results of SN 1996cb. The supernova was
independently discovered in NGC 3510 by M. Aoki, T. Cho, & K. Toyama of Japan and Qiao …

Fire urgency estimator in geosynchronous orbit (FUEGO)

CR Pennypacker, RD Tripp, SL Stephens… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A fire detector is disclosed that successively images a particular area from
geosynchronous Earth orbit satellite to attain very good signal-to-noise ratios against …

Effect of a viscous fluid shell on the propagation of gravitational waves

NT Bishop, PJ van der Walt, M Naidoo - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
In this paper, we show that there are circumstances in which the dam** of gravitational
waves (GWs) propagating through a viscous fluid can be highly significant; in particular, this …