Design thinking as mindset, process, and toolbox: Experiences from research and teaching at the University of St. Gallen

W Brenner, F Uebernickel, T Abrell - Design thinking for innovation …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Design Thinking is a development that has recently attracted significant attention in
the management discourse. The Institute of Information Management at the University of St …

InnoDev: a software development methodology integrating design thinking, scrum and lean startup

F Dobrigkeit, D de Paula, M Uflacker - Design Thinking Research: Looking …, 2019 - Springer
The debate on how to integrate Design Thinking and Lean Startup into the agile process has
been addressed in the literature over the past few years. Researchers argue that Design …

Design thinking

F Uebernickel, W Brenner - Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell, 2016 - Springer
Die Gründe, weshalb Innovationen für Unternehmen eine derart große Bedeutung besitzen,
sind vielfältig. Einerseits wird mit Innovation und Kreativität die nachhaltige Sicherung, aber …

Design thinking in IS research projects: mindset and toolset perspective

M Dolata, G Schwabe - Design thinking for innovation: Research and …, 2016 - Springer
Many see the primary impact of Design Thinking in the area of industrial innovation. Given
the engineering background of the methodology, this is definitely the most straightforward …

DT@ Scrum: integrating design thinking with software development processes

F Häger, T Kowark, J Krüger, C Vetterli… - Design thinking …, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Design Thinking has shown its potential for generating innovative, user-centered
concepts in various projects at d. schools, in innovation courses like ME310, used by design …

Agile Methoden im Produkt-Lifecycle-Prozess–Mit agilen Methoden die Komplexität im Innovationsprozess handhaben

P Link - … in Unternehmen: Herausforderungen im Umgang mit …, 2014 - Springer
Agile Methoden stellen eine geeignete Möglichkeit dar, mit der zunehmenden Komplexität
entlang der verschiedenen Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus umzugehen. Das hat auch die …

Design thinking for revolutionizing your business models

A Bonakdar, O Gassmann - Design thinking for innovation: Research and …, 2016 - Springer
In the age of globalization and intensified competition, there is a need to develop not only
new products and processes, but to rethink today's business models. How can firms re …

Managing tensions in research consortia with design thinking artifacts

D Staehelin, M Dolata, G Schwabe - Design Thinking for Software …, 2022 - Springer
A common goal can inspire companies and research institutions to embark on an adventure
together despite competition. However, tensions arise soon after a project starts. While …

Flexible, user-and product-centered framework for develo** frugal products based on a case study of a vehicle for Sub-Saharan Africa

M Šoltés, D Kappler… - ASME …, 2017 -
Through design thinking, a team of researchers and students from Nigeria, Ghana and
Germany has identified rural transportation as a key enabler for addressing the most …

A design thinking role model enables creativity in IT: Case of the financial industry

C Vetterli, W Brenner, F Uebernickel - 2013 -
The challenge banks face to gain advantage over their competitors is being placed under
pressure by the ever increasing speed of development which arises from the pace of …