Selection of earthquake ground motion records: A state-of-the-art review from a structural engineering perspective

EI Katsanos, AG Sextos, GD Manolis - Soil dynamics and earthquake …, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper reviews alternative selection procedures based on established methods for
incorporating strong ground motion records within the framework of seismic design of …

A review of the seismic performance behaviour of hybrid precast beam-to-column connections

HH Ghayeb, NHR Sulong, HA Razak, KH Mo… - Archives of Civil and …, 2022 - Springer
In order to withstand challenges such as earthquakes, it is important to appropriately design
the beam-to-column connection of precast structures. Numerous precast connections were …

REXEL: computer aided record selection for code-based seismic structural analysis

I Iervolino, C Galasso, E Cosenza - Bulletin of earthquake engineering, 2010 - Springer
In code-based seismic design and assessment it is often allowed the use of real records as
an input for nonlinear dynamic analysis. On the other hand, international seismic guidelines …

Ground motion record selection based on broadband spectral compatibility

C Smerzini, C Galasso, I Iervolino… - Earthquake …, 2014 -
The increasing interest in performance-based earthquake engineering has promoted
research on the improvement of hazard-consistent seismic input definition and on advanced …

Damage control for clay masonry infills in the design of RC frame structures

S Hak, P Morandi, G Magenes… - Journal of Earthquake …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The damage to non structural masonry infills in RC frame structures induced by earthquake
ground motions represents a considerable source of economic losses and a serious threat …

Multi-functional solution model for spectrum compatible ground motion record selection using stochastic harmony search algorithm

AH Kayhan, A Demir, M Palanci - Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2022 - Springer
Selection of appropriate ground motion (GM) records for nonlinear dynamic analysis (NDA)
of structures plays a crucial role to estimate structural responses reasonably. In this study, a …

Seismic retrofitting with buckling restrained braces: Application to an existing non-ductile RC framed building

L Di Sarno, G Manfredi - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper assesses the seismic performance of typical reinforced concrete (RC) existing
framed structures designed for gravity loads only. The sample two-storey structural system …

Investigation of story ductility demands of inelastic concrete frames subjected to repeated earthquakes

A Faisal, TA Majid, GD Hatzigeorgiou - Soil dynamics and earthquake …, 2013 - Elsevier
The present study focuses on the influence of repeated earthquakes on the maximum story
ductility demands of three-dimensional inelastic concrete frames. A comprehensive …

Response-and probability-based evaluation of spectrally matched ground motion selection strategies for bi-directional dynamic analysis of low-to mid-rise RC …

A Demir, AH Kayhan, M Palanci - Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
In this study, the effect of different strategies which consider various levels of constraints for
spectrally matched ground motion (GM) selection on seismic responses of the buildings was …

Code‐based record selection methods for seismic performance assessment of buildings

M Araújo, L Macedo, M Marques… - … & Structural Dynamics, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The recent concerns regarding the seismic safety of the existing building stock have
highlighted the need for an improvement of current seismic assessment procedures …